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Role-play name: Setting up the items
Attenders: @Rocker @Aspect @Sabin9928 @Bidrift
Story: We're the strike team, our units should not be short of any equipment in an urgent call, we decided to check the equipment we're missing inside our base, then we went to the gunshop to get those stuff, we went there and brought the sets of equipment to our base and ordered them.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VcyQYsG
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  • 3 weeks later...

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RolePlay name: On patrol
Attender: @chemist

Story: I was patrolling like a classical day, I saw a burglar trying to steal a car on the way. I took my car forward and told him to lift his hand, she did not listen to me and started to run away. I fired two bullets with my gun and I told him to lift his hands. stopped and lifted his hands, I took him to the police car and headed to the police station. I took him to the inquiry room and started asking questions. He told me everything one by one, but I threw him in jail for being a crime he did.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MaVOrf6
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RolePlay name: Pizza store robbery
Attender: @dub1step

Story: A message came while I was sitting at the TST base, I opened the message and learned that it was a pizza robbery. I went to the scene, The thief, who saw me, quickly turned his weapon and started to shoot. I shot at him and he told me he was going to surrender to me. I picked him up and put him in the police car, we went to the police station quickly. I took him to the inquiry room and I had a little conversation with him. He told me that he was in a very difficult situation and that he needed a very money urgent. I wanted to help him, but I threw him in jail for being a crime he did.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9e7xVpc

Thank you 3K.O
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@chemist said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive:

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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 123

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Rat

-=(black,red)Participants:=- @Rowdy35 , @TaJ

-=(black,red)Story:=- They thought they could sell alcohol on our streets. They were wrong. We heard something that some idiot trying to steal our customers. We had to show him who is boss on these streets. As I expected, he was the idiot who searched for excitement. I was pretty sure that he had people who can make alcohol for him. This kind of people thought that they can do anything whatever they want. We immediately took him to the corner behind the store. I thought he might be a coward. But I never thought he'd be so cowardly. I hated cowards that's why I killed him with one shot. We took the alcohol in the car and went to our base.
While we were sitting and drinking in the bar we heard car's engine voice. A policeman came in. He looked all of us and walked toward me. I knew something was happening. That rich bastard's friends must have reported us to the police. The police asked how it was today. It was very obvious that he was questioning us to see if there was any trouble. We took our weapons right away and aimed at him. It just made me sad to be wasting two bullets today. I shot and watched the police collapsed from loss of blood.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/zLxInOT

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  • 2 weeks later...

@flex said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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ALT RP with TST.
Participants: @NORI999 and Flex.
Story: While i was in my office, watching soccer, i received a phone call from a TST officer, asking for ALT mechanic service. I rode my Towtruck and hit the road all the way to TST base, where i found him waiting for me at the main gate. He directly showed me the damaged vehicle, where i took a look around and found some missing Metal Scrap. Luckily, i brought some with me, where i put them in my toolbox. I picked up some of the kits i need and started installing the Metal Scrap. After a couple of minutes, i asked the officer to turn on the engine once again to make sure everything is fine. And as i predicted, it was all okay! The officer appreciated my work and he also told me that TST will use ALT services from now on!
Album: https://imgur.com/a/RpOXqpv

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Attenders: @hxh , @Gabbar , @Iceberg , @Netro and @E-Bora
Explanation: : today we decided to prepare for some training , so i called some units from other Squads to do that in ~[TST Base]~(navy). cop should be skilled and ready for any criminals attacks .
protecting civilians/cities is our duty.
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@griffin said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive:

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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 157

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Our brother's betrayal

-=(black,red)Story:=-I was talking to my gang buddy.My phone rang,I found out the other gang guy was betraying us.He's telling the police about our secret information.He took a thousand dollars for it.Me and my friend went there.Our gang friend met with the police in a secret place.We got them.I asked my gang buddy why.He didn't answer.I got angry.We've decided to kill them both.I thought on the road.Should I have forgiven them ? The answer was no.Their punishment was death.I didn't pity them.We took them to a desolate place in the desert.They both cried.My friend wanted me to kill them.I put them down.And I killed them both.We left the bodies there and ran away.


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