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-=(#824b82,lime,blue)A partner has no without invitation=-

Participants: @SQuiZo @brand @JoseFrags @Wizax

Its 00:13, I was in SA. Federal Police base teaching new applicant some new tactics when we got a warning about not welcome partner in our base trying to destroy the door to get inside our Federal Files room i called some back up and went there as soon as possible, Officer Gelbert [Brand] cuffs the suspect hands then we brought him to integration room, While officer.JoseFrags was dealing with him i was watching from the Watching room, we coulding know any information from him else than his personaly information because he didnt want to speak without a lawyer, after taking him Photos we brought him to Cells


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More ScreenShots in Imgure link >https://imgur.com/a/suqhm5k<

-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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Morning activity check
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-=(blueviolet,magenta,olive,red,lime,yellow,yellow,yellow,yellow,cyan,cyan,cyan,red,red)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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Participants: @wizax @Kayser @Steve @kevin @Methomas @ziad

Yesterday, our dispatcher got these photos about this criminal activity

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This one in the middle is one of the largest drug dealer in San Andreas, and is required for the law, and all officers were given an order to choke around San fierro, Red Country and Bayside to catch them, after a long search found them in bayside - San Fierro bridge

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we kept chasing them and shooting them till they lose the control on their car after that i cuffed their hands and brought them to SA. Federal Police base

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we brought 1 by 1 to the integration room from the first one we knew what does the creates has inside and what is the name of who sold them this delivery

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From the second we knew where the drug dealer lives and who is his boss and his customers

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-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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Training Parashut / Deff the Captain [TDM] / Normal TDM

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more Screenshots > https://imgur.com/a/RW5HBx6 <

~[To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-]~


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Participants:@Gelbert @XtheWeekndXox @Wizax

I was patrolling with my partner Commander.Wizax in Las Venturas-Las Santos High way when a high-speed citizen passed by us our speed trap claimed him and took screens for his car register, i started the serien and commander wizax was Shouting in the loudspeaker and asking him to stop after few seconds he stopped his can i grabbed my shotgun and went out my car while commander Wizax was reporting our status in the radio, i told him to scroll down the window and started a short talk with him then asked him for his ID and Car documents, His documents was clear and his ID too but he got a warning ticket for speed and next time i will remove his car documents



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participants: @Gelbert @Wizax @TheWeekndXox

It was 22:28, i was in Bone country patrolling with Commander.Wizax when we heard a citizen screaming i left my car and took out my shotgun then rusked inside, there was a men aiming on the store owner with a Deagle to give him all his money, i cuffed the suspect hands and picked him to the car then to SA. Federal Police base, there we brought him to the integration room, Commander. Wizax was talking with him while i was watching him with Captain.Elufner, we took his Screens and putted him in the jail .



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participants: @Gelbert @Wizax @SQuiZo @ziad

It was 22:30 our dispatcher took ss for a criminal activity on LS top we respond there was soon as we can after a long shooting i lost my partner Commander.Wizax he was shooted down, so there was no way else than killing them, i threw a frag nade and then shooted them down, Commander Wizax was in need of medical help as soon as possible or maybe we will lose him i brought him to the hospital there medics gave him some first aids and left the arms truck without scann there
when i came back i found everything clear



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participants: Wizax, Seth, infared and Glayd

Sotry: iIn the morning, I went to SA. I saw a man enter the room, told him that the time of the visit ended two hours ago, took out his gun and targeted me, I pressed my radio to ask for backup but he shot my hand and told me to show him Where is his friend " infared ", after I did what he asked me to shoot me again on my chest and ran outside, I called the medical unit to respond to my position, a few minutes later they gave me some initial aid and then brought me to the hospital , There they removed ammunition from my body, left the offender SA. Federal Police Cells But we still have a file that contains many information about him and we will catch him as soon as possible

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/DazF1cb


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Type: The Lucky Number
LWS/G6: John
Prize: 1.000.000
Winner: yomamainminecraft
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https://imgur.com/a/xhKHEN8 <<

~[To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-]~(orange,white,cyan,violet,maroon,green,lime,yellow,orange,red,purple)


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Patrol, Clear JB and stop SR

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For mroe ss >https://imgur.com/a/1yE8pDH<

~[To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-]~


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Patrol, Raids, Train, SR and BR calls

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To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

San Andreas Federal Police

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