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Roleplay Title: Suspect pulled over at LV-LS Highway
S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro, SAFP|Kajo
Other Participants: Chemist, Arkantos, JoNa, Boi
Story: I was patrolling at LV-LS Highway until I saw Chemist driving in a very awkward way, as he was driving on the wrong side and crossed the speed limit, so I asked him to pull over. Than JoNa and [SWAT] Boi stayed with me for a while to offer help. After telling Chemist the reason of asking him to pull over, I asked him for some documents which I analysed using the laptop and found out that he shot at a police officer last month. He didn't believe me first, so I used the fax to get the proof. After reading it, he realized his mistake, so I asked him to get in the car to take him to the police prescient and find a solution, but he wanted to fix the problem with money, so he bribed me and I let him go.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pMXOCYa

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Roleplay Title: Pulling over a suspect near LV Stadium
S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro, SAFP|Fallen
Other Participants: iSSoUu, [WA]xPooKs
Story: I was patrolling near LV Stadium with Fallen and iSSoUu, until Fallen saw xPooKs driving a damaged car and breaking the road rules, saw he asked him to pull over, which he really did.
As usual, we told him the reason and asked him for some documents.
After scanning them, we found out that he's clean. So we wrote him a ticket and let him go.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nBRIz5u

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Activity Type: Air-Raid at store rob.
Participants: Colonel Fallen, Private Shadro, Cadet Kajo & Cadet DeepK


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Main characters:SAFP|Fallen|COL,SAFP|DeepK|PO,[ThC]Dankata
Story:The LVPD was searching for the person that reported 2 days ago with a black Sentine.There was 6 robbery made with this car so we found this car with Colonel Fallen on the LV-LS Highway and pullover him for the search his body and car.When i look to the trunk there was tons of cocaines and lsd drugs.After the everything we send him to the Los Santos Police Department.
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