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Ingame name: FoxZilla
Username: mertt
Nationality: Turkish
Spoken languages: Turkish / English
How long have you been playing SAES 9 years
Current organization N/A
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself I am 16 years old i am playing since 2010 - 2011. I am SWAT Academy Trainee. I like cycling so i want join 8th Street.
Explain our role in few words: They are renting BMX and they are making illegal street races. They are tring to spread the bmx and cycling culture around the server



@FoxZilla said in 8th Street:

Ingame name: FoxZilla
Username: mertt
Nationality: Turkish
Spoken languages: Turkish / English
How long have you been playing SAES 9 years
Current organization N/A
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself I am 16 years old i am playing since 2010 - 2011. I am SWAT Academy Trainee. I like cycling so i want join 8th Street.
Explain our role in few words: They are renting BMX and they are making illegal street races. They are tring to spread the bmx and cycling culture around the server

~[Pending]~(orange,orange) , hang more with oue members so we get to know you better



@FoxZilla said in 8th Street:

Ingame name: FoxZilla
Username: mertt
Nationality: Turkish
Spoken languages: Turkish / English
How long have you been playing SAES 9 years
Current organization N/A
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself I am 16 years old i am playing since 2010 - 2011. I am SWAT Academy Trainee. I like cycling so i want join 8th Street.
Explain our role in few words: They are renting BMX and they are making illegal street races. They are tring to spread the bmx and cycling culture around the server


@FoxZilla I'm here to tell you that u are ~[Accepted]~(lime), but in the the Explain our role in few words You said server, start using the word "San Andreas" remember that this is an RP.
Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ for the next steps



Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime).

Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ

Welcome Aboard.


Ingame name: Gonzxlo

Username: gxnzo12

Nationality: Argentino

Spoken languages: English/Spanish

How long have you been playing SAES: I have been playing since 2018, but I don't remember my previous account.

Current organization: ThC

Current groups: N/A

**Tell us more about yourself:**Hello, my name is Gonzalo, my name in-game is [ThC]Gonzxlo". I am from Argentina, and I am 18 years old. I have been playing since 2018. I like Motorbikes, bikes and races

Rate your bmx/mb skills out of 10: 8/10

Explain our role in few words: The role of 8th Street is to spread the BMX, create BMX, MB events, illegal races, rent bicycles to spread the BMX more and popularize it.

Married to the streets, Ride till you die



Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime).

Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ

Welcome Aboard.


Ingame name: Hassan
Username: BlueZ>Hassan
Nationality: egyptian
Spoken languages: english - arabic
How long have you been playing SAES like 2 years
Current organization soon
Current groups: Cluckin Bell
Tell us more about yourself My name is Hassan and i have 16 years old and i like playing football and games in my PC like SAES, i like to help people and i am very Active ingame,i am very respected player with people and i like play with team and i hope be part of this Group
Rate your bmx/mb skills out of 10: like 7.5/10
Explain our role in few words: it mean 8thS going with bikes (BMX) around all Country SA and they wanna develop it more and more to be best thing in saes and need it be famous in SA and can do street racing in saes to all love it and beSomething essential and give this server a better bikes ( like BMX -BM).



Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime).

Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ

Welcome Aboard.

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