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8th Street


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Street BMX is a type of freestyle BMX that began in the late 1970s. During this era, the BMX bikers spent a lot of their time on BMX bikes at concrete skate parks in Los Santos, SA. In 1979, the first freestyle BMX team was created, known as the "8th Street" as most if its members grew up and learnt everything in their hood exactly on the "8th street", unfortunately the group disappeared due to many factors, one of them is the death of one of their friend due to riding, in a crash.
The spirit of the group is getting revived, as two members of the team staff got free time now and met again, they started riding in front of the jail to piss of some cops that were trying hard to arrest them, they also ride in the skatepark.
the group is now fully revived and taking back his leadership in the streets , they are now looking for new and skilled stunters that may add something to the group. So to do that they decided to start organizing illegal races.

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^[Group Name: 8th Street]
^[Group Tag: 8TS]
^[Group Founders: Zei , Ghost ]
^[Group Motto: Married to the streets, Ride till you die]
^[Group color: 8F8F8F]
^[Our Discord server: https://discord.gg/nBFe3t2]

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  • Respect server rules

  • Respect HQs

  • Respect High ranked members

  • Respect the rider leading the acitvity

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^[Click to see our media archive]

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  • Our main goal is to spread the bmx and cycling culture around the server and making it bigger so people develop it and start using bicycles especially for stunting like we do.

  • We organize many and different types of events that include BMX and MB such as illegal street racing or competitions with a lot of prizes

  • We also rent bicycles for people that need it for an emergency when they loose their cars.

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Leader: @Zei

Vice Leader: @Ghost

Chief Of Staff: @Helena

HQ Team: @DJO / @ProNuBs

Respected 8TS

8TS Members

Probationary 8TS


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^[Recruitment Status: ~[OPEN]~(green)]

Application format


**Ingame name**:
**Spoken languages:**
**How long have you been playing SAES**
**Current organization**
**Current groups**:
**Tell us more about yourself**
**Rate your bmx/mb skills out of 10:**
**Explain our role in few words**:


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Ingame name:Zorro
**Spoken languages:**melayu and english
How long have you been playing SAES
Current organization-
Current groups:-
Tell us more about yourselfmy name is nazeir im from malaysia im the student who love rpg games like saes rpg
Explain our role in few words:cycling bmx around the server,make competitions and street race using BMX with a lot prices and rent bicycles to someone have an emergency

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Ingame name: RUZO
Username: RUZO
Nationality: Malaysia
Spoken languages: English,Malay
How long have you been playing SAES- 3month
Current organization- Vndolas De El Carona Current groups:- N/A
Tell us more about yourself- I am a calm and patient person, people used to call me Ruzo and I am 17 this year. I played as criminal role in saes, usually Transporter and Drug Dealer. I love to hang and making money.
Explain our role in few words: Our goal is to spread the cycling culture around the server, we organize BMX and MB event and we also rent bicycle for people.

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Ingame name: Fedrick
Username: frozenpolar
Nationality: Malaysian
Spoken languages: Bahasa Melayu, English
How long have you been playing SAES: I have been playing this server since 2015. Then I have been inactive for 2 years due to computer problems. and then I went back for a few months with this new account because I forgot my username and password. So far I know a little about RP and I'm active in discord.
Current organization: Vndolas De El Carona
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself: I'm Mohd Al Syurki I live in Malaysia I really enjoy playing video games like PUBG, Fortnite and many other video games I play but for me MTA san andreas is more interesting and really good
Explain our role in few words: So far 8th Street is renting bicycles for people in emergency and cycling around SA, host event for BMX and Mountain Bike illegal street race and competition with lot of prizes.

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Ingame name: Sucre
Username: Khelloufimomo
Nationality: Italian
Spoken languages: Italian, Arab, English, French and Spanish
How long have you been playing SAES: since 2016
Current organization: The Company
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself I'm 19, I was born in Morocco, grow up in Italy and now living in France, motorbike and bike lover. I work with Uber on my free time so I can earn some money.
Explain our role in few words: Spread BMX again in the server, for make this sport in his gold times again. Make events about bikes, like races or stunts. Rent bikes for people who come to lose his car. And I add personally, it's a good way to save the world from car's smoke.

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This is our HQs decision
We feel that you are not ready yet to join us even our members don't know you so what I'm suggesting you to do is to apply again after you hand a bit with us and attend our activities, ~[DENIED]~(red) this time, reapply in 1 week

@RUZO , @Fedrick , @Sucre
This is our HQs decision

Positive feedback, we can see maturity in your apply and determination in your eyes, so applications ~[ACCEPTED]~(green)
Join our discord for further info:

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Ingame name:Skinner
**Spoken languages:**English/Greeks
How long have you been playing SAES 4-5 years
Current organization: BB wannabe
Current groups: N/A
Tell us more about yourself:i'm 16 years old i living in Greece i playning football i like to eating pizza and listening music :D
Explain our role in few words: Driving around to spread bmx spirit , organizing illegal races and renting bicycles to people than need it in an emergency

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Ingame name: Majima
Username: DBMoodyBlues
Nationality: Portuguese
Spoken languages: English, Spanish and a bit of French.
How long have you been playing SAES: Since April of this year.
Current organization: AA - Arms Assassins
Current group:s Global Trust, San Andreas Pirates, Al-Munazama and Izanagi clan.
Tell us more about yourself: I am a very loyal and dedicated person, down to earth, always willing to help in any way possible. These are the most noticeable traits about me.
Explain our role in few words: Spread the word around about the BMX spirit that is growing, make people understand that you can enjoy yourself with just a bike, especially for stunting. Also, making the bike a useful resource when there are no cars available.

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Ingame name:Satanas
Spoken languages:: English,French,Spanish
How long have you been playing SAES:Approximatively from at least 5 years
Current organizationTuga Thug.
Current groups:None.
Tell us more about yourselfI'm loyal, nice, I love money bank robbery in particular, and I love to fight especially, without forgoting that I love Extreme Sport with the bike, the parachute.
Explain our role in few words:It is a gathering of Person Loving Bmx Illegal Race, and their Role is to make illegal race and pissing of the cops near jail. They give the taste of the Bmx which is too often left for cars or motorcycles.

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Ingame name:Satan_Jr
Spoken languages:: English,French,
How long have you been playing SAES:Approximatively from at least 2 years
Current organization: N/A
Current groups:None.
Tell us more about yourself: I like to ride bmx jumping in a deck and playing with lots of people and participe to Bank Robery and gun fight in turf and like ride a bike quietly
Explain our role in few words:the role of 8th Street and share the passion of BMX to organize illegal street racing and rent bicycles

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