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[FEATURE] - New Federal Mint (Gold/Money storage)


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Besides banks, what if SAES had their own (robbable) Federal mint?

To give you a picture of it, imagine a high security facility where gov stores gold/cash.

Heists can be made with high reward, but with extremly high risk and takes alot of manpower and skill to pull it off. Similiar to GTA V.

Luckily SA already have a Federal mint (SF), but needs some mapping and scripting.

Rules, cooldowns and difficulity can be discussed if this idea is liked. Im a mapper and could map such a depot with ease.

As a sub-idea, value transports similiar to VIP transport could be made to/from banks to mint where cops protect, criminals hi-jack it.

A little spice to our criminal world beside the usual SR and bankrobbing!

Images= https://m.imgur.com/a/bQZsLfh


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I really like the idea and would like to see it live but aswell i wanna add some more things that includes having multiple steps until the mint last room (dhere you find the gold) that will translate the risk you are talkign about maybe, steps will have maybe timers/bombs/minigames that will encourage on teaming up aswell

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I like the sub-idea more than the original one. Cops transporting valuables and criminals trying to hijack them, that definitely sounds fun for both sides. It could be done by each separate squad with cool-downs just like Bank Robberies for gangs. In my opinion its about time cops get an extra activity.

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@Sam_ Well this was done on Arma 3 Altis Life, it worked very well. Having banks and than the main federal mint.

HOWEVER there should be a restriction. Only when 20 squad members are online, shall you be able to rob the federal mint, to keep it balanced. Otherwise its too easy for gangs to earn money.

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Great suggestions/idea, would be awesome having that in-game!

Also, as I can see there are many interested community members/players and I think that we've to do something about it! @Sam_

I would love to help you with this project as a mapper, and I'm pretty sure that there are many players that'll be happy to help as well!

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