Participants in The RP: @Makeeeh and Me RP Scenario: A friend of a trucker who crashed called us, The mechanics of TMH to come to their aid to help with the vehicle. We then proceeded to go to leave for the crash site. ::: ::: It took us 20 minutes to reach the site where we saw the friend along with the damaged truck. We then proceeded to talk to the friend about the procedures. ::: ::: We then told him or his friend to come to the TMH hq in 2 days to come collect the truck.We then attached the truck with the tow truck and left for the TMH hq where we will repair the truck. ::: ::: When we reached the TMH hq we went straight to work with the truck. We started repairing it and had to go to our supplier to go buy some new parts for the truck. We then changed all of the damaged parts and replaced it with new ones. ::: ::: After being done repairing the truck we had to wait one day for the Trucker to come take his truck and complete the paperwork.Finally the day arrives and the trucker comes to take his truck back. We decided to let him take a look to see if everything is correct and if he wants to change something. The trucker said everything was fine and he proceeded to ask how much it is. I said that it will be $650. He proceeded to give me the money ::: ::: He then proceeded to leave with his truck. Another customer that leaves the TMH hq with a smile :)
@johnnyenglish K panel doesnt even makes sense. Like you just know the location of someone everytime and it makes it harder to escape specially with a really unrealistic 13m range on a fucking taser