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Everything posted by Villain

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. 5 seconds near jail Has car spawn Space for donation Starting bid: 500k Screenshots:
  3. Address:Rums House Cherry Account name: mehdilajmi Last seen: 17th august 2021 Screenshots:
  4. BUMP!!!!!
  5. Near store robbery, perfect for cops Good location Huge space for donation vehicles Starting bid: 1m Screenshots:
  6. This topic can be closed!
  7. @Nico Meet me ingame to purchase the property, congrats!
  8. Welcome back and good luck!
  9. Good gang/roleplay property Starting bid: $600000 Screenshots:
  10. Icon is for sale at 3m
  11. Address: Hell Raisers Liquor Store Account name: dhia147 Last seen:25 august 2021 Screenshots:
  12. Starting bid: 500k
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. wrong section, sorry :c, can someone move it
  15. Address: 3 Muscle Parade Account name:aaa22 Last seen: 13 august 2021 Screenshots:
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. ooooo Happy Birthday @Killer
  19. @sherap2-0 Cops do need the building to parachute, as you don't make use of the shamal and heli to parachute. You literally just crash into the roof of the sr to restrict movement and arrest the criminals. I personally don't see any usage of the parachute there. Your 2nd excuse is that criminals will use it to escape, You have the rubber bullet shotgun to slow them, the taser to restrict movement, and I'm pretty sure squads use to have a landing on the marker with a parachute test, you can easily follow them or restrict their movement with your weapons, ofc unless you are trash at the game, which is your own fault. Why should someone spawn as another class just to parachute? that's so dumb ok I don't see why this is a problem, most of the regrouping locations can be raided except gang interiors. This will be a marker which cops will be able to use to, idk why you have a problem with this
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Happy birthday!
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