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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (27-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 13 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Je76LEF
  2. Take care and I hope you get well soon!
  3. Haven't we all acted a bit foolish sometimes? The person locked his own bike, provoked a bit and then the new guy went for it. Both side can be blamed for this and don't act so childish by making this public. You could have handled it between the both of you. This is just an act for attention which is a small issue. Pathetic.
  4. Ramadan Mubarak/Kareem. Although I'm an athest, I hope you fulfill your goals.
  5. Sa!
  6. Can we vote for a statue at LVX for Ape?
  7. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (21-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 32 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qTzAtYc
  8. My boi! This definitely something to be pinned
  9. All innocent
  10. You can keep your Sousse mics! Have you ever been in a voicechat with someone from Tunisa. It's like they throw their mic under a bus and throw them a few times out of the window before they use it. And they speak kebab all the time...
  11. Roleplay type: Securing and cleaning a deserted warehouse Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): The government had given the Fire department an assignment. An abandoned warehouse needed to be taken down in Las Venturas. Before anything could happen, the area needed to be checked and declared safe for demolition. For safety reasons, we asked SAM to join us. Arrived at the scene a hobo was present who lived there apparently. The SAM unit took care of the innocent bystander, who seemed a bit confused. The SAFD unit searched the perimeter and found some interesting ancient items, props requisites, etc, but nothing suspicious that is considered harmful. Suddenly, an old dumpster caught fire and the whole scenery escalated into a fire hazard (might be some sun reflecting on a piece of glass). The SAFD unit took their extinguishers and came into action, and got the situation under control after a rough battle against the elements. The litter laying around all got burned, so there wasn't a whole lot of cleaning up to do. The ashes that were lying around were cleaned up and at the end of the day, a report was written down for the government, about the situation regarding the warehouse and events. ~[Big thanks to our members who showed up and the SAM unit.]~(red) :fire: :fireworks: Location: Las Venturas Participants: @ramby @Ferthis @Darude @Juby @Ram @Cruz @Sanfara @LAPD_Spanish_VEN and our Hobo @ReD Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RRlbFmz
  12. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  13. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (10-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r4TLUau
  14. Your ingame username: ramby Your ingame alias: Ramby Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dutch Country of residence: The Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: Since 2012 Qualities you can offer: I'm a mature person that acts based on facts and not on speculations. I'm not a person that gets easily upset, and combined with my calm personality I can keep calm in stressful situations. Another quality that I can offer is my mentorship. I'm the type of person that likes to improve myself and others by keep developing each other to higher standards. Above all, I use my common sense in every situation. Your weaknesses: Since I work 40 hours a day and study a few hours a day as well, that could be considered as a weakness. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): I prefer CS, but a position as SAHA appeals to me as well. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I have Reason for application: I'm constantly looking for opportunities for how I can improve myself and others. As a member of the San Andreas Police Department, I can have an influence in structuring the procedures of how to become a certified police officer. This is something I truly enjoy. I have made/improved different suggestions and manuals on how to test new members for Pro Cop in my time in SAPD and SAPA. My function as HQ in different groups involves keeping track of our activities for each member and organizing certain activities as RP's etc. By doing this we keep the groups going and improving, resulting in a steady amount of activities each month. I'm a person that is aiming for structure in the different groups I can play a role in, and especially keep track of the administration on a member level. Server Memberships: -SWAT -Pro Cops -Desert Eagles (Member of the assault unit) -Secret Service ( Agent) -San Andreas Police department (SAPD staff, PC tester) -All Load Trucking (HQ) -San Andreas Fire Department (HQ) -Cuban Cars (impounder) Additional information: My real name is Rick, I live in the northern part of The Netherlands. I have a job that takes around 40 hours a weak and in the evening I study around 10 hours to develop myself further in different subjects. In my spare time I play videogames, this varies from Rocket League to SAES, and I like to hang around in Discord chats. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I can't think of any. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have never been banned. Do you eat pork: Yes I hope I have had a persuasive tone and that my application will be considered for one of the vacancies. Sincere regards, Ramby
  15. It was something I took for granted. That's why I never complaint about it, and simply switched to the police dodge to be fair. Every small curb that you hit with the front of your car makes you spin. It also has it's charm. But to make it easier to use, I would like to see it adjusted. If it's gets adjusted, I don't see a lot of problems. As it's a small detail in my eyes. But no drama if it doesn't happen. Regards.
  16. Yes please, it would make it more used ingame!
  17. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (09-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6y8jBqD
  18. Why does every election look like it's rigged af. Nevertheless, Just like any other election, I hope you succeed in what you promised the citizens of SA...
  19. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (04-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fMJzAmP
  20. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (02-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AiAvVBf
  21. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 60 pounds Special donation: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16722/donation-ramby-amount-15-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16127/donation-rewards?_=1585759466607 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? January Why do you need this change? Five-0 Died, vehicles got removed Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10608/ramby-s-requesting-donator-spawn?_=1585759466638 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16722/donation-ramby-amount-15-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12103/donation-ramby-amount-14-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12103/donation-ramby-amount-14-00-gbp ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: RC- helicopter Location: SWAT base (somewhere on the roof where all the other aircraft are) Username: ramby Vehicle 2: RC- helicopter Location: SWAT base (somewhere on the roof where all the other aircraft are) Username: ramby Vehicle 3: Comet with police skin Location: SWAT base 2nd-floor garage Username: ramby Vehicle 4: Comet with police skin Location: SWAT base 2nd-floor garage Username: ramby Vehicle 5: Police sultan Location: SWAT base 2nd-floor garage Username: ramby I want all vehicles in black colour. Also my 3m in-game from the previous donation. Regards Ramby.
  22. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (30-03-2020) Number of vehicles: 14 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/22GwpzR
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