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Everything posted by NanoBob

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  2. Sorted, I think.
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  5. Done.
  6. Happy birthday! Have a great day filled with joy, gifts and lots of birthday cake.
  7. @chaplin said in Show us yourself V3: @nanobob That's right but it seems that you find it strange for someone to work as a model so I will just delete it if you are offended. Not strange at all, it's just that 99% of the times when people post pictures like this on here, it's not a picture of them.
  8. @chaplin said in Show us yourself V3: @nanobob it's from one of my photo sessions From 6 years ago? You would post a photo from 6 years ago?
  9. @chaplin said in Show us yourself V3: Next time at least link to where you got the pictures from: Source
  10. Thanks everyone.
  11. We've seen your feedback in the previous jail topic, and we would like another round of feedback regarding a potential solution. Those who did describe what they miss with the old jail was the perpetual DM / stalemate between cops and criminals. While the original reason we changed was because people complained the old jail would have jailbreaks last for hours, and be too easy. The suggestion to re-introduce this lost gameplay, while keeping a more difficult jail as well is as follows: People with a wanted level of 1 to 36(*) stars go to the old jail, at LS jail People with a wanted level above 36(*) stars go to the current jail, at a new location** People who are arrested / killed within the old jail, will go to the old jail regardless of wanted level so the perpetual DM can live on Please leave any feedback you may have. We're looking at making a final decision soon, so please leave your opinion before Monday the 9th of August * the 36 star level is an indication, ** New location is as of yet undecided, feel free to leave suggestions As with the previous topics, keep replies civil and on topic.
  12. As per popular demand, a stat leaderboard is now available for any of the currently registered server stats. This leaderboard contains both the ability to check someone's personal stats (just like /stats), and view a leaderboard. These stats can be accessed on https://web.saesrpg.uk. You log in with your in-game username and password. We will be looking into adding further stats and potentially other features to this page as well.
  13. Happy birthday @sushii !
  14. @macgyver said in Show us your setup: Ryzen 5 1600 AF XFX RX 5 3000 18GB DDR4 TeamGroup 3200MHz ASUS A320M This seems to be incorrect. Ryzen 5 1600 AF The Ryzen 5 1600 AF comes with a "Wraith stealth" cooler. This cooler is circular, and has no RBB lighting. The cooler in the picture is square, and has RGB on it. While it is possible to buy a different AMD stock cooler, why would you? XFX RX 5 3000 This is not an existing product. There is no "XFX RX 5 3000". XFX is a video card brand, RX is the name of a bunch of video cards from AMD, however there is no "5 3000". Furthermore the video card in your picture has "AORUS" on the side, which is the gaming brand of Gigabyte, not XFX. 18GB DDR4 TeamGroup 3200MHz RAM is sold in capacity that is a power of two, you can buy 4GB, 8GB, 16GB sticks, and so forth. Your system does not have 18GB, since in the picture you see 2 RAM sticks, you can't come up to 18GB with just two sticks (Especially since the lowest capacity DDR4 you can buy is 4GB or 8GB). Also, the RAM sticks in the picture look like they are in fact G Skill Trident Z RGB memory. Not "TeamGroup". And these modules are only available in capacities starting at 8GB, confirming that there is in fact no 18GB in the system. ASUS A320M ASUS A320M is not a complete motherboard name, there is however the ASUS A320M-K. That also is not your motherboard though, because that motherboards is physically smaller than what you see in your picture. You can see in your picture that you have a second expansion card plugged in what would be bottom slot of a full-size ATX motherboard. The ASUS A320M-K is however a micro-ATX motherboard, and thus would not have a slot in that position.
  15. @arctic said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: @nanobob sounds incredibly annoying to play against haha, imagine you go to the turf and let RNG be the deciding factor of whether or not you die. Making it random would make it annoying to play against and remove a big skill factor in actually staying alive. I'm not talking about randomising it for every shot, but randomising it for every turf-zone. So you will know what to expect, but it will just be different in every new turf-zone.
  16. @filex said in Should i keep the cracking website?: K i will keep it but expect the domain name to be changed since i don't need clockcorp.com anymore Since it doesn't seem to use anything server sided you could look into using github pages for it, which is free for public repositories: https://pages.github.com/
  17. I also never was a fan of the sniper headshotting in turfs. (Hated it way back in the day (talking like 2013 ish) when i was in DE as well because in CLO/DE wars it just became a sniping contest, making all other weapons useless / unused. And I noticed the same when turfing as SoA about a year to half a year ago. I would thus be in favour of splitting it up half in half. Although, just spitballing ideas here, what about if every time you start a turf you had a chance of a random weapon being picked for headshot (which of course would have to show up on screen somewhere). This I think could create a relatively dynamic turfing experience (albeit maybe not the most realistic option) If doing so we might want to look into only allowing certain weapons, or giving weapons like M4 a (much) lower chance of being picked as headshot weapon.
  18. @kirosa said in Money Transporter Job: @NanoBob they must try to kill the driver and do not destroy the truck but they can deal at least some damage like they hit the tires but if sm1 keep shooting me and deal 55% damage for example thats allowed or not ? As long as they damage you with the intent to steal the truck that is no problem. In the end the more damage they do the less benefitial it is for them since they still need to get away with the truck.
  19. @mackey said in Money Transporter Job: @NanoBob could sai attend money transporter event ? , cause just a while ago one of them attacked me. SAI are not included in those that get money for escoring the vehicle, they can however arrest wanted people just like they otherwise could.
  20. @franklin said in Money Transporter Job: @nanobob said in Money Transporter Job: @franklin said in Money Transporter Job: This job is excellent, the script is great and everything but there really really needs to be some rules set, players are literally scared to go into money transporting because of unclear rules, my member got admin jailed today because of this bullshit, I know Nanobob says its common sense, but it really isn't for everyone, I think there definitely should be some rules set because the way we're getting admin jailed right now is complete and utter bullshit, anyhow amazing script. What exactly do you think requires clarification then in the way of rules? Well everything that you're not supposed to do should be listed in the rules in my opinion, for example that you cannot kill the driver after the truck got destroyed.. The job is fun asf but it's literally scary to go play it because of no clarification of the rules.. I don't know how else to explain it I feel like if we're going down the route we're going to end up with a rulebook with 100 rules again. That example follows the same logic as when someone steals your car, which is once they are out of your vehicle you no longer have a reason to attack them, so doing so is DM.
  21. @franklin said in Money Transporter Job: This job is excellent, the script is great and everything but there really really needs to be some rules set, players are literally scared to go into money transporting because of unclear rules, my member got admin jailed today because of this bullshit, I know Nanobob says its common sense, but it really isn't for everyone, I think there definitely should be some rules set because the way we're getting admin jailed right now is complete and utter bullshit, anyhow amazing script. What exactly do you think requires clarification then in the way of rules?
  22. @markus said in Money Transporter Job: @NanoBob Can you kill a Money Transporter that is AFKing in his truck? If you are attempting to steal his truck, sure. Although in such a situation a bit less of a dick-move would be to just highjack the truck.
  23. @garcia said in Money Transporter Job: Hi, the job is perfectly good for more fun ingame hawehvuh it doesn't match with currently AFK scripts that goes for bank robbery since official squads activity is low and with that transporter job (ofc squads members moves to police section to play that job) it's kinda hard to find 10 active ofc squads to BR, thats for first thing i'd liked to say. The money transport script has nothing to do with BRs and the required cop count. While sure some people might spawn as transporter to try out the job, I personally doubt this will have a noticeable lasting impact on the amount of cops. Plus squads are also able to choose this as a job, maybe new money transporter squads will pop-up (or squads will choose this is a second job, much like the SWAT medic). Furthermore squads are also involved in this script by escorting, which they do as their own spawns. @garcia said in Money Transporter Job: Second is blips, i think it would be fine if a blip of the transporter appear after he charge the van from bank, maybe appearing it to near people only to avoid spams in mini-map ( like van in sf= whoever in sf sees it) and ofcourse different blips colors to avoid Intermingle like this for example The choice to not display money transports on the map / make it clear whether or not the truck is empty was explicitly made. The intention is for criminals to try and figure out the routes, and depending on where the truck is and where it is going, make an educated guess as to whether or not the van is on it's way to pick-up, or drop-off. Giving away this information would make it far too easy for criminals to find and steal the right trucks. @garcia said in Money Transporter Job: thanks all i want to say, thanks for reading and @JohnnyEnglish for the script :thumbs_up_medium-dark_skin_tone: I'm afraid you (and several others on this topic) are mistaken, this job is not the script JohnnyEnglish was working on.
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