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Posts posted by Bone

  1. @bas260 said in Randomize Store robbery:

    So @Bone they store robbery stars near LS County General Hospital. After three minutes no criminal has entered to start the robbery. And after that, the cops get a message to secure it?
    So if the criminals don't go to the marker cops get a chance to secure the location and earn money regardless of a criminal starting it or not.
    And about the message to cops to secure it. They will also get it as they do now when the criminal initiates the robbery within those 3 minutes?

    Correct that would finish it off a lot, cops receive a message if the store is not claimed within 3 minutes after criminal message
    exactly would give cops another "task" to fulfill so both sides benefit from SR even if it is or not taken by criminals.
    yes from there it works the same as it right now if criminals trigger the SR then cops get alarmed about it

    Mainly the idea in general on this is to make SR balanced by taking away the manual option to choose which store to rob,
    Right now its just 3/4 stores being used over the others that are around, randomizing them will spread the players around the map and rewarding the first criminal that "triggers" the SR receives a bonus on top their regular reward what makes it challenging and could be a potential for /stats ( amount of store robberies started )

  2. @LAPD_Spanish_VEN said in Randomize Store robbery:

    @Mrwan Lately I could not be on the server, but I have noticed a lot of criminal presence in the SR, this would make it even more difficult for the police to respond to the SR

    how would it be more difficult for police ?
    it would work the exact same as it is now but only criminals can't handpick a SR anymore instead they get one assigned and if they don't rob it within 3 minutes then cops get a message to "secure" the area and receive reward for that

  3. Discuss / Suggesting randomize Store Robbery.

    Back in the days we used to have Random "House Robs" which turned into SR later on
    so the idea sounds as.

    SR functioning the same as it is now but without manual option to pick a store to rob instead a available store is announced among criminals
    First criminal arriving and killing the cashier receives a small bonus, other criminals attending receive the regular reward. after the event is completed a new store is announced available etc etc.

    for Law enforcement,

    if a store is not claimed within 3 minutes after the criminal announcement then cops receive the message that the store has possibilities to be robbed and recieve a reward for protecting it for when status bar is full ( visible for cops )
    if it is claimed within the 3 minutes then the normal announcement appears


    edit added a "pool" cause @Crash is a mong

  4. Original Topic can be found here

    Why did you make another cracking simulator @NanoBob ?

    He was bored, and He figured a cracking simulator which people will not need to download or install would be useful. Besides that bob's new cracking simulator allows you to keep track of your cracking, and compare yourself to other crackers. To do so an account is required, you can register one on the website from the login window.

    IMPORTANT: use a legitimate email as it is required for account verification and password resetting

    So without further ado, you can find it here: https://nanobob.net/

    Found a bug? PM @NanoBob

  5. @bazuka36 said in Aiming Marker - Poll:

    @Bone said in Aiming Marker - Poll:

    keep it disabled it brings abit of a challenge and skills now to fight people. a marker ontop their head revealing their position while not seeing the other player is cheating imho

    Viewing from your logic we might aswell as remove the radar itself as well it isn't realistic seeing the enemies excact location in turfwars right? Oh ye its also unfair checking the radar to see the others location oh its cheating. Removing it might bring back the hide and seek days from childhood that's definently fun.

    there's a difference in not seeing a player model but see a marker onto their head revealing positioning
    and for the radar argument there's a field of view which fades out your blip after x time but marker remains.
    fex you crouch behind a small wall, your radar blip fades out but your " aim marker " remains
    so whats wrong with my logic ?

  6. @Odorian said in Electric car:

    @Bone said in Electric car:

    don't think tesla was even near creation in the time server plays at.

    I do like the idea but afaik mods such as Tesla or any other modern electric car is not fitting the environment GTA is at ) 80's,early 90's

    that's why we have a 2015 ford mustang as alpha, a 2010s dodge charger as police car, mid 2000s lamborghini as turismo

    if you have read what is mentioned those vehicles which don't suit the environment within the game are slowly being replaced quit drinking vodka mens!


    Back in the days before Glue was even a thing people were creative with their transportation method requiring several cars a 4 door one was +1 remembering how people were getting soaked on the huntley and sultan.

    Then the Glue script came and people got turned from being creative into lazy knobs now it is one car with 20 players glue'd onto it and abandoning half of their organization vehicles catching dust

    Im suggesting to bring back the creativity and limit glue on suitable vehicles (flatdecks)-(dft,bobcat,etc...)

  8. @RAMPAGE said in Bank Interior Project:

    As @Ammar has suggested: we can add this new bank interior to 1 single specific bank from all the banks we've... and test it for feedbacks and opinions (like we did with the killing-arresting, for example)... see how it goes for the cops and the crims.

    Is this possible, @Bone ? But yes, after the mapping is checked before and make sure it's good and with no bugs, etc... before doing @Ammar 's suggestion.

    everything is possible, but like to see results from the map in action ( tdm ) way

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