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Everything posted by FTH

  1. Cute chicken FTH
  2. Roleplay # 107 Personal Roleplay # 1 Participants: @tokiits @Jemmyx46 @Rocoso @Dzmo @NoobPRO @UnaKadava @tokiits said in [PROFILE] Travis Blake: SAI member who you were with: Jemain West ( @Jemmyx46 ) & BobLee Swagger ( @Rocoso ) Other involved people: @Dzmo - Overdosed civilian, @FTH - SAM, @NoobPRO - Medic, @UnaKadava - SAM, Date, time and duration of Activity: 7/16/2020 & 18:59 - 19:37 Type of Activity: Role Play - Driving overdosed Patrol details: We're in our patrol whit Deputy Jemain West, driving around Las Venturas - Los Santos highway, and in one moment saw ''Burrito'' in middle of the road, we pulled in front of him, and stepped out to ask what is going on, he answered when he is very sad and wanted to die, because he broke up whit he's wife, he was saying that multiple times, I tried to calm him down, and wanted to hear what is he doing in middle of the road, he was repeating that more and more, and then I asked him if he is lately used any drugs or alcohol, he answered me yes, and then I started understanding why he is in the middle of the road, after few minute's of talk, I asked for he's ID, while I was going to check he's ID, I asked Deputy Jemain West to check on him, because he was talking about death all the time, he's document's came up clear, there wasn't any warrant's and he's car was register to he's name, as he was overdosed whit ''Methamphetamine'',''Cocaine'' and ''Vodka'', we're suprised how is he still alive, Deputy Jemain West called SAM on the scene, we explained situation to doctor, and after few minute's talk whit doctor, SAM take care of him, they took him to Las Venturas Hospital, and luckly he survived. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type of the event: Chicken Shooter Date of the event: 15 / 07 / 2020 Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews Prize of the event: 1.500.000$ Winner of the event: NoobPRO Screens of the event: ::: :::
  4. Patrol # 1342 Personal Patrol # 14 Participants: @FTH Amount of healed: 50 Minutes. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  5. Happy Birthday OC/BRAZZ/L
  6. Pixart Work #3 #Construction_number: 10 Number of objects: 134 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/Fy8xi3O
  7. @The-Best1 said in Fire Department Application - Remp-21/06/2020: Role Play Date:04/07/2020 Story:On such a beautiful and wonderful day while I was with my friends at the firehouse and after a few moments, someone called me and said that there is a burning house and a car on fire too ,also a man are injured. I told him we are coming now then we went on my way and I told my friend to call a Medic to help The injured people, and after a few minutes we got there and saw the place with fire, and then the Medic car arrived and I was happy to arrive at the right time and then we started our hard work, and my fear was all about the injured people, then I went to the protection man and told me that the man He died and I was worried and very sad and I said to him please do what you can to protect his wife and then he said well and then I went to my friends and we continued to extinguish the house from the fire and after a few minutes we finished and we were very tired and then we went to the hospital and when we arrived I went Hurried to the medic's place, then I saw the protection man. He told me everything is bad cuz the man died and then I went to the house and the other day I went to the place where the man was buried and when i finished i went to my house again. District: LV,LS Participants: @The-Best1 @Ferthis @ALIJR007 @FTH @Ikillyou_today @Leonard Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. GXT Members: Myself Time taken: 25 Mins Deliveries: Refuelling gas stations arround SA. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Patrol # 1339 Personal Patrol # 13 Participants: @FTH Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 Minutes. ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/ED4vR7L :::
  10. Untitle Work#2 #Construction_number: 9 Number of objects: 117 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/y23ZkqE
  11. Patrol # 1338 Personal Patrol # 12 Participants: @FTH Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 Minutes. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  12. Untitle Work#1 #Construction_number: 8 Number of objects: 45 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/vzZ3nDU
  13. Pixart Work #2 #Construction_number: 7 Number of objects: 54 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/AISHSmh
  14. Pixart Work #1 #Construction_number: 6 Number of objects: 70 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: ::: :::
  15. Patrol # 1332 Personal Patrol # 11 Participants: @FTH Amount of healed or Time of patrol: From 13:45 to 14:45. 1 hour. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  16. Happy birthday my old friend @M7mod
  17. ACTIVITY #68 Description: General patrol. Participants: @Pika @CheeseBotMk2 @FTH @Niklaus @Dango Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/HIf5AVz :::
  18. Address: Vafe relaxing pizza Account name: Sturmmaske Last seen: 28 may 2020 Screenshots:
  19. Garden #Construction_number: 5 Number of objects: 218 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/mN9BpM5
  20. Roleplay type: 904B Building fire Description of roleplay: We were chilling in base and watching TV. Then we get calls from 911 about a building fire in the Los Santos Vinewood Mansion. I grab the radio and reported our status, "San Andreas Fire Department Unit #701, Code 904B Building fire at Los Santos Vinewood. ETA 5 Minutes." After that we reached the location in 3 minutes. We wore suits and wore gas masks. A few firefighters used firetruck water hole and a few firefighters split around off to the mansion. Firstly, we extinguished garage, There was a burning car. Then we moved to the roof, I grab my fire extinguisher and trying extinguish the fire. We extinguished the roof fire in unity. After all, we checked around for small fires and turn back to fire department. Drinks few beers and gets some rest. Location: Los Santos Vinewood Mansion Participants: @Ferthis @FTH @DALI-i @Niklaus @Ikillyou_today Screenshots: ::: :::
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