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Everything posted by FTH

  1. Last bump, current high bid is 10m from @exalted
  2. Last bump, current high bid is 2m from @filex
  3. Last bump, Current high bid is 16m from @bodo
  4. Current highest bid is 15.5m from @nulgath, Bidding is continue
  5. The current high bid is 2m from @filex, bidding is continue
  6. Starting bid: 1m Minimum bid increase 1m
  7. The current high bid is 10m from @exalted, the auction is continue
  8. Address: Luke and Joes Love Shack Account name: justen Last seen: 1 June 2020 Screenshots: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/713172216526667801/741430810124484628/mta-screen_2020-08-08_01-55-47.png?width=767&height=431
  9. Current highest bid is 12m from @nulgath, Bidding is continue
  10. Starting price: $10.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000
  11. Garden #Construction_number: 5 Number of objects: 218 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/mN9BpM5 RP Story; It was a hot summer day. We were sitting on the zip base and sipping our tea with my team. Called from the building contractor Mr. Denis. One of his clients wanted the garden to be built. Mr.Denis contacted me directly and asked me to do this job because he knew my buildings and my talents. He wanted the materials to be used to be at the highest level and the garden made to be designed very well. I made the list of materials and presented the fee to Mr. He said he accepted the fee and that this garden should be built as soon as possible. I gathered my team. We put on our work wear and business hat. Everything seemed ready to start work. We left ZIP Base. We jumped in our vehicles and came to the area where the garden will be built. First, we observed the place to be built. Then we dug the soil with a pickaxe. After throwing the soil with a shovel, we leveled the ground. We carefully placed the garden walls in a circle. After that, we placed the glasses between the walls in an orderly manner. The garden's exoskeleton was finished. It was time to design the interior. We placed a large water fountain in the middle. We took water from the water jet with hoses and put it in the soil of the pots. Everything seemed ready. We went out with my team and examined the building from the outside. Just at this time, Mr. Denis came to check the garden. He congratulated you that he loved the garden very much and that we built us beautifully. We took our fee and went back to the ZIP Base. We took a cold coke and rested and ended the day like this.
  12. Starting Bid; 10M Min.Bid Increase; 1M You can park your donation vehicles in front of 2 garages also you can park your cars and bikes in the garden.
  13. Address: Nanoboobs Motel Room 3 Account name: ratatui Last seen: 4th July 2020 Screenshots:
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