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Everything posted by FTH

  1. Near Jail It has public cars You can use the marker area as a base. ~[Kebab Restaurant from a TURK.]~ Starting bid: 10M Min.Bid ncrease: 1M GUI
  3. Happy Birthday M
  4. Adress: Golf Avenue 7 Username: jack269 Last seen: 9th July 2020 SS:
  5. Adress: Rustler Club Username: star2000 Last seen: 8th July 2020 SS:
  6. ~[HBD Ortennnnn ;DDDD]~
  7. ~[Happy birtday, be ready after me -]~ @Kristiina
  8. Thanks alot guys
  9. Happy birtday to Liyoness
  10. ~[Thank you all one by one]~
  11. Thanks Everyone ^~^
  12. Thanks ^~^
  14. Current high bid is 9.4M from spider. Auction is contunie
  15. The current high bid is 5m from @Eluf . Auction is continue
  16. Tunnel #Construction_number: 13 Number of objects: 160 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/CH77Whl,
  17. It can be base You can park +10 donation cars/bikes So Close to SR Close to Jail Starting bid; 5m GUI
  18. Current high bid is 18m from @Bodo420 , The auction will finish at this night.
  19. Last Bump. Curremt high bid is 17m from @nulgath.
  20. Overpass #Construction_number: 12 Number of objects: 115 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): I want to keep it myself. Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/dWrYIhg
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