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Everything posted by EloThAm
~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#32: The Save @xxLaZaRxx ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 10/09/2019 We have been tracking this dangerous process for a whole month We have finally decided to enforce it, but with the prohibition because they are an armed groupThe quality of weapons was highly sophisticatedWe came out of our picker As usual, we sent a spy to tell us some important things that help us complete this task ,we were preparing for a trapTo follow us to the cave where they will be targetedI admit they were a bit smartBecause they are obedient from the beginning and have understood that there is an ambush ,well they started to fear us but actually there is no way except we fight them ,so we headed towards the cave , we took our position,The plan of the cave was really good and this is because of the harshness that will strain the enemy and this we gain progress on them,the enemy is here we start reloading our weapons The clashes began and then ended with heavy gunfireWhich unfortunately ended with the injury of one of our members ,But we managed to sprint without loss,there is no solution exept we called our friend as medic called lazar to save our important member ,I sent a group of guards to accompany him and protect him on the way, and Finally hes here ,Start examining the wound,But he advised him that whoever had to take him to a hospital would be given special care ,I am not comfortable with this solution, but it is not possible to lose,It was compelled,We went to a hospital and accompanied him to the examination room,He gave him painkiller,he start checking him with a medical device ,Research has been continuing to come to the contrary,sadly he need a surgery ,That will force him to stay in hospital for a certain period,We went to the doctor's office to talk about the costs of this operation and care ,it was really expensive that doesnt suit our treasury but We need to pay it because simply we wont loose anyone,some of our member refuse to heal him fearful of our bankruptcy,but we never leave our members and this is yakuza actually,we just need some more operation in order to fill the treasury . ::: :::
~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#29: JailBreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 09/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tLQwOmv :::
~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#24: JailBreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 05/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
~[Night Activity:]~(#998855)
@Nishki ~[Pending]~(sienna).
~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#25: JThe Sea is our home ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 30/08/2019 @JoeX said in San Andreas Pirates ~ Media: RolePlay: The Sea is our home Participants: @Cornelius @wave21160 @Arone @Avengr @EloThAm @NikitA321 @Disaster Story: In the morning while We were sailing in San Fierro sea and smoking our joints and diving searching for things under the water and swimming in the sea we got a call from a friend telling us that there in San Fierro sea a big ship, and two gangs dealing on it, We closed the call and get our weapons and our greanades and jumped into the boat and sailed to the ship we entered it slowly and saw what's happening we waited till they open the bags to see what in it, it was drug dealing we waited till they walked to me the rooms and threw a nade and jumped and got the bags then, run and killed the others gang members and jumped into the boat and escaped before the police come ::: :::
@EloThAm said in The~Yakuza: @Ncyseq said in The~Yakuza: Nickname: Ncysed User Name: Soner > ~[Pending]~(sienna) , There are some doubts towards you , show us that we're wrong ,Gl. A good effort deserves to be rewarded , Interviewed &Invited , ~[Welcome aboard]~(green).
~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#24: Japanese Deal .? ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 30/08/2019 @Stay said in Undisputed Command - Media Archive: Roleplay #: 5 Date:23/08/2019 Backstory/Background: JAPANESE DEALS!. ? Today's Undisputed Command Labor was quite simple for us we were working on the Central Command for about 3 weeks now, we've been elaborating more cocaine 'La Blanca' . From our last sellout that was actually to Mongols MC, But today there was another name filling the gap that name was The Yakuza mafia boss, He wanted to have a little taste therefore he contacted Me the Comandante of the Undisputed Command to Deliver him some Blanca. Me along side Mateo and Burtos packed some pounds of La Blanca and right away headed Yakuza's Central operations Located somewhere Las Venturas, We proceeded, we got out the Command and rushed there. Once we arrived the Place this Yakuza Boss was already awaiting for us, he invited us to get in, so as we did, then we had a short conversation he tasted out the product, he bought some pounds of it, and he lowkey mentioned that he'd be more interested next time , perhaps for a massive buy out YakuzA>@EloThAm Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/ET8Zz0w
~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
Did you drink some shit ?
@Ncyseq said in The~Yakuza: Nickname: Ncysed User Name: Soner ~[Pending]~(sienna) , There are some doubts towards you , show us that we're wrong ,Gl.
~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#16: Jailbreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 27/08/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
~[Morning Activity:]~(#998855)
@Eusebio ~[Accepted]~(green) for the record.
~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#20: The Hostage [ @JoeX @gothboi ] ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 23/08/2019 ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay Story: As always , the yakuza members were patrolling around San Andreas, exactly in San Fiero , until we got a call from an OverdoseCrime member named JoeX saying he need our service for a confidential and sensitive mission. We didnt refuse the demand and we headed to their base. Since we were in San Fiero the trip didnt take time, we arrived after few minutes. JoeX and his fellow warmly welcomed us and they brought us into a living room where we sat down and discussed the task. They affirmed that an organisation zero member named Gothboi stole a big quantity of protein and some other important stuff, he has been revealed through the hidden camera inside the base, it captured his face, how he sneaked in and his robbery. The OverdoseCrime members were so furious about what happened and wanted their revenge as soon as possible,requesting us was in order to kidnap the doer and bring him to them for a fee. As we suffer those days from lack of money, we didnt refuse the misssion but we asked for some informations that can help us to finish the task perfectly without losses, consisting of the plan of the organisation zero base,the number and the spots surrounding by bodyguards. After claiming those informations and since his base was fortified a lot we resorted to another way of kidnapping,we'd been watching him for few days, we knew his routines, and where he lived and that he stopped to pet dogs. We picked the dog out of it's pet store box and jumped into our blacked out SUV. Then we drove to the most isolated part of his route home from base, broke the dog's front legs and left it mewing in his path. we knew that when he saw it his mind would race and all those pesky rules about stranger danger would be forgotten. And we was right. When we pulled up she was panic stricken we attacked him. We'd raised the gun right at him but never fired, instead cuffing his arms and legs, binding her mouth and slung him in the back of our car. We called directly Joex telling him that we got the hostage and we decided to meet at the top of a hill where we brought with us the kidnapped man. JoeX and his fellow manny threatened to throw him from above if he dont obey them and bring the bags back because it contains important CDs that can put the gang in danger. Gothboi did not resist for a long time he started crying and told us that he is ready to do anything to keep his life. He took us to the his syndicate base where the stolen stuff is and gave back the OverdoseCrime gang everything belongs to them(money, CDs and protein). Due to his obedience we did not kill him we just got paid for completing the task and we were back home. ~[S]~(#998855)creenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/awPdjil :::
~[E]~(#998855)vent#26: Pubg Event ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Filex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): Blake__Griffin ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots:Click Here
~[#90]~ Event Type: Pubg Event Location: Event Participant Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/ZIP: Filex Winner(s): Blake__Griffin Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/qNoBXxS :::
~The topic has been updated~ The promotion video has been added. There is some doubts about changing our tags , so we would like to see your opinions by just voting to those options that are at the top of our topic (Page 1), Thanks.
~[#89]~ Event Type: Reach The roses Location: /event Prize: 10.000.000 LWS/ZIP: Filex Winner(s): 176|VitOoO Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/o5VO4Cb :::
~[Big Event Today !!]~(#998855) : ~[E]~(#998855)vent#25: Reach The Roses ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 10.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Filex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): 176|VitOoO ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
~[Morning Activity:]~(#998855)