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Everything posted by EloThAm

  1. ~[#101]~ Event Type: melee fight Location: /event Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/ZIP: @Exile Winner(s): @Karma Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/h2iJ8l9 :::
  2. ~[#100]~ Event Type: Corridor LMS Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @koko Winner(s): @Zodiac Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/bI5ALmH :::
  3. ~[#99]~ Event Type: A demolition Derby Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @Haveer Winner(s): @Disaster Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/bptNJ8W :::
  4. ~[#98]~ Event Type: Guess the song Location: /event Prize: 250k each LWS/ZIP: @Matthews Winner(s): Disaster , pazoo,Jona,Ka0z Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/dYG5SgU :::
  5. ~[#97]~ Event Type: LMS Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @koko Winner(s): flora Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/fcA5dHR :::
  6. ~[#96]~ Event Type: Hunter shooter Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @koko Winner(s): Angel_ Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/vgLrQ29 :::
  7. ~[#95]~ Event Type: Guess the number Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @Matthews Winner(s): Vitoo00o0 Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/x7tTGU0 :::
  8. #895 Event Name: Guess the number LWS/G6/CEO: matthews Winner: @vitoo Price: 1.500.000$ Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/x7tTGU0 :::
  9. #894 Event Name: Rock , paper , Scissors LWS/G6/CEO: Velona Winner: Avanger Price: 1.500.000$ Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/gsk9cNH :::
  10. ~[#94]~ Event Type: Rock , paper , Scissors Location: /event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/ZIP: @Velona Winner(s): [AA]Avanger Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/gsk9cNH :::
  11. ~[#93]~ Event Type: LMS Location: /event Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/ZIP: koko Winner(s): O|LaZaR Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/EHnPWae :::
  12. #893 Event Name: The second LMS LWS/G6/CEO: @Zombie Winner: @koko Price: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/B5gR6fI :::
  13. #892 Event Name: LMS LWS/G6/CEO: @koko Winner: @LaZaR Price: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/EHnPWae :::
  14. #833 Event Name : DD LWS: @KARIM Winner : @UrBan @kokwedy Price : 1.500.000 Screenshot's: https://imgur.com/a/1PyDFPq
  15. Ingame name: EloThAm Username: xxamounexx Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisian /Hammamet Spoken Languages: French /arabic/english and a little bit deutsch. Age:19 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: in 2012/2013 i guess Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: VA,RDMC,SAFP, O (2 times ) ,BS,and yakuza (ex founder), also Confero's Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: I'm EloThAm , my real name is Mohamed Amine , my friends call me amoune, I'm 19 years old and i'm living in Hammamet. I love gaming and especailly with my friends in real life. We are team of loyal friends playing together many games.When i back to SAES i tried with my friends to do a gang it was RH " Red_Hand ( it really a troll descion since we aren't experienced yet xd )but we failed because we was really new and we found many thing have change until our inactivity , so i begin trying to improve my experience in SAES by joining some official organizations that was from my career begining , i will not delay , I was inactive for serveral reasons the most necessary one is education ( a little bit about closing Yakuza while i was a founder) , I'll come back espaicelly those three weeks , anyways lemme talk about my character a litlle bit xd :bonjour: well , My most unique attribute is passion. Without a passion for what you are doing, it is not possible to ideally perform your gang. I have a strong desire to help others through improving their skills , which has led to my past success as a skilled player . Improving your skills ( as a generale) is a key value of your gang, and I know that I could bring to this one my passion . My strongest attribute is my determination. I take on every challenge head-on and do what I need to accomplish my goals, even when the challenge is difficult. Every time I was given a new challenge at my previous gangs, whether it was leading my first gang activities or meeting a quick deal, I always enjoyed stepping up and demonstrating my skill at that new . You stated in the gang listing that you are looking for someone who enjoys a challenge, and I know that is me. I can bring dedication and a drive to succeed to this gang . I've always been appreciative of what the organizations I have worked for have done for me, as well as what I can do for them. I'm a loyal and a special person who wants to do my absolute best for the gang I work for. One of the biggest attributes that I'd bring to this position is flexibility. At my previous gangs was able to help my team during focus gang testing,Ultimately, I'm willing to work with anyone at the gang to make sure gang's activities are a success.
  16. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#54: Last Man Standing ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Brooks ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): Ment ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  17. Well deserved ,gratz
  18. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#40: Store Robbery ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 15/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  19. ~[Evening Activity :]~(#998855)
  20. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#34: JailBreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 12/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  21. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#33: Lucky Tube ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Filex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): Steal ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  22. ~[#92]~ Event Type: Lucky Tube Location: /event Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/ZIP: Filex Winner(s): Steal Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Pqruvxd :::
  23. ~[#91]~ Event Type: DD with monster Location: g6 /event Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/ZIP: @Cornelius Winner(s): @Sw3dy Screen's: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Tpn1Qa9 :::
  24. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#32: DD with monster ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: @Cornelius ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): @Sw3dy ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  25. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
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