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Infinity_ last won the day on September 28

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About Infinity_

  • Birthday 01/11/2000

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  1. Hello, applicant. As you failed to reach out to us, we have no other choice but to reject your application. If you wish to re try, you may apply again in a month from this post.
  2. Hello, applicant. As you failed to reach out to us, we have no other choice but to reject your application. If you wish to re try, you may apply again in a month from this post.
  3. New Exit off Las Venturas Interstate Construction number: 021 Number of objects: 109 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  4. Captive Stone Construction number: 020 Number of objects: 209 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  5. Whetstone Terrorist Village Construction number: 019 Number of objects: 299 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  6. Quarry Under Construction Construction number: 018 Number of objects: 200 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  7. Colosseum Fighting Arena Construction number: 017 Number of objects: 268 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  8. Tierra Robada / Bayside "The Hidden Triangle" Construction number: 016 Number of objects: 462 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  9. Dear Applicant, Congratulations on passing the in-game tests and becoming part of the group. On behalf of SAPD, we welcome you.
  10. Oh yeah. I would create the best turfing system MTA has seen yet Edit: Already have but I lost my old code. Easy to replicate though
  11. How about a whole new turf system concept? Hear me out: - Making the maximum turf zone percentage to 250. - Turfing percentage is manipulated by attacking gang or defending gang count. (Current system) - Turfing percentage is also manipulated by attacking gang or defending gang player kills. (New addition) - There is a maximum of 10 minutes through each turf zone war, as those 10 minutes are over, whoever has the highest percentage wins. (New addition) - Introduce police side to "neutralize" any turf zone back to its neutral state, unable to be contested for half an hour. (New addition) - Upon a turf being acquired or loss, the same turf shouldn't be able to be contested for another half an hour. (New addition) Some new changes would definitely allow for people to enjoy turfing again. Turfing has been quite dead nowadays, the way the percentage works isn't really effective, if one gang outnumbers the other, they would easily win.
  12. Yes, it is very much possible but I left it out to avoid troubles such as if the player is timed out, unfairly wins, lag, etc. Rather these things could be privately agreed on through party chat. Of course I have ways to add checks to every single occasion but I thought to keep it out to avoid the headache of unnecessary reports being made, money being loss, etc. But if it’s something players want, I wouldn’t mind adding it, then again: is optional to adhere to the bet & the PVP request, so the money option wouldn’t be a problem.
  13. P1 (Player 1): X,Y,Z P2 (Player 2): X,Y,Z If you wish for a player to receive a vehicle upon warping, add "vehicle = id" in the table. pvpList = { ["Last Man Standing"] = { interior = 10, ["P1"] = {x=-974.24554,y=1061.08655,z=1345.67542}, ["P2"] = {x=-1132.07324,y=1057.67249,z=1346.41235}, }, ["Hydra Dogfight"] = { interior = 0, vehicle = 520, ["P1"] = {x=-974.24554,y=1061.08655,z=1345.67542}, ["P2"] = {x=-1132.07324,y=1057.67249,z=1346.41235}, } } This is the table for the game modes. If you'd like to add your own game mode, interior, and warping coordinates. So far it only supports 'vehicle' (if you are working on a vehicle game-mode) it would soon have race option for racing game modes.
  14. Player v Player System From the image itself is self-explanatory. I'd like to get the community's opinion on this PVP system. Script mechanics: - /pvp to trigger the panel. - You will be able to send/receive a PVP request to/from any player. - The game-modes are automatically generated and warps are automatic. (Vehicles are handled on its own) No weapons will be given, you will have to be in communication with the player through the party system and set your own rules. - The PVP system automatically chooses the winner if you wish to play for money. I'd like your vote whether you'd like this added to the server. If you are voting yes, please suggest a game mode of your own. If you're voting no, let us know why and if there is anything you'd like to see to change your vote.
  15. @jordskjelv - Sorry to inform, after a while working on the code, I tested it out with @Wegz & @Phrost - there seems to be a sync-issue and will be unable to be implemented anytime soon unless MTA decides to fix train-sync with upcoming updates, we'll have to see.
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