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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Hi @Kalashrie . In order to keep this forum nice and tidy we archive every auction within the first 14 days from its creation, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in requesting a Housing Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  2. Hi @amine-sfaxi . In order to keep this forum nice and tidy we archive every auction within the first 14 days from its creation, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in requesting a Housing Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  3. Hi @amine-sfaxi . In order to keep this forum nice and tidy we archive every auction within the first 14 days from its creation, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in requesting a Housing Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  4. Hi @Kalashrie . In order to keep this forum nice and tidy we archive every auction whithin the first 14 days from its creation, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in requesting a Housing Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  5. Request denied. You need to take an screenshot of the property's GUI and the last seen of the owener, not the property outside.
  6. Sorted. In order to place proplerly the image you gotta do the following: Clicking in "copy image adress" and then that link got you paste it in the command you made ![alt](link) . If you only paste the imgur link, the image won't be displayed.
  7. The property belongs to a SAES member, hence can't be requested.
  8. The property has been already requested.
  9. @Justsomeane I'm pretty sure you can join unlike DE
  10. Property has been already requested.
  11. Property has been already requested.
  12. Property has been already requested.
  13. Property has been already requested.
  14. Property has been already requested.
  15. Your ingame username: licano Your ingame alias: Licano Your real name: Camilo Your year of birth: 28/11/1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Colombian Country of residence: Colombia Language skills: English & Spanish. English Proficiency: I consider myself as a fluent speaker. How long you have been playing: I started playing early 2015. Your strengths: I'm a mature guy, due to my age and my studies I've adquired a set of social skills, I'm able to interact with people, also I can feel empathy towards people so I'm always trying to be as fair as possible. Since I'm studying to be a lawer (soon to be), my sense of justice prevails over everything, I know how to follow the rules and how to apply them. I'm kind most of the time, but being kind doesn't mean I can't get things done. I also like to learn, and I like to apply my studies to everything, that's why you can always check my posts and see I answer everything in a proper way, explaining (when needed) the rules and how I applied them (mostly you can check it in my SAHA replies when there's a new guy who doesn't know the rules). Your weaknesses: Being kind in excess. Sometimes being too kind makes it hard for me to get people to understand the warnings I'm giving, also it is hard for me to reprehend people I know and I share bonds with, due to my empathy. Anyhow, eventho it isn't easy for me, I always do it when it is needed. Sometimes I can be a bit impulsive when it comes to taking choices, if I feel something is right or wrong I'd go for it by without consolting first, just doing it and then asking. This last thing usually isn't a problem since I know what can I do and what I cannot (since I always read the rules) but it is a problem if I get the chance to interpret the rule. Preferred Position: I'd like to run for Community Staff, and maybe later on go for something else. Teamspeak Installed: No. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: I check it all the time. Reason for application: I been in this server for quite a while, I know most of the players in the server and I enjoy helping them. SAES is not just a place for me to entertain but also a place where I can learn from people, how people behave and put on tests some of the skills I learnt in the university. I like to play my role as a future lawyer/judge, so I'm always trying to do things the way a judge would do. This is just one of the steps for me to prove myself what things I'm capable of (even if it is a game) and how I can help people while being in my learning process. Unique qualities you can offer: I hate to fight, I'm a conciliator instead. I think having a good agreement is better than having a good fight. I can always get in the shoes of my superiors or my equals, knowing why they take some decisions being able to either support them or trying to explain them my point of view. I think always being open to more than a point of view is what makes a person smart, being able to understand everything in his environment and at the same time having his own point of view without disrespecting anyone's else. Server Memberships: I'm currently AA HQ, CLO, G6, SAHA, KTN HQ, VT HQ, CC Impounder, ALT Probbie pilot, TMH Instructor & Cluck VIP. Additional information: I'm Camilo, a 21 year old Colombian. I study law and play in the server in my free time. I love to read, hang with friends when I got the opportunity and do all kind of crazy things that crosses my mind at the moment. I consider myself as trust worthy person. I got a kind nature, I can't be rude with anyone unless they deserve it, more than everything I love helping people in need, I won't ever abuse someone that needs me, and I prefer sometimes losing time or losing money in order to help people that need it and that deserve it. I like to earn the things with hard work, and even if I didn't do great, I like to show people I'm capable of more. I consider myself as a great friend, you won't ever hear or read me trash talking about any friend of mine in his back, if I got something to say I say it upfront. I love to learn new things, and I'm open for every kind of experience (as long as it is a good one) people can offer me and I'm also willing to share good things with people around me. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None that I can remember. Previous (legitimate) bans: None. Are you a muslim?: No.
  16. Hello to all the members of SAES community in behalf of your favourite informative media, Kool Times News. Due to the retirement of our leader alongside the majority of our members dealing business that needed to be solved, we as your favourite media dissapeared from the picture for a while. However, now with a new spirit and the desire to document everything that is happening in San Andreas, we're announcing we're officially back to the business. You'll be reading once again the reportages made by our talented reporters and columnists team. If you wish to get a closer encounter with our hard working team, you can always have a talk with us in our Discord Channel. Also, we'd like to remind you all our recruitment is open, this is for all these eager columnists, photographers or reporters waiting for the perfect time to shine! It is here, and you can help us in growing these seeds we're planting today. For last but not least, remember that our KTN team is always happy to help you all with any request you might have, be it documenting an event - roleplay, giving our services as photographers, and helping you with any idea you might have for a column in our newspaper. Being all said, our beloved team wish you a happy week and happy holidays. Thanks for reading, On behalf of Kool Times News, KTN Chief HQ & CFO Licano.
  17. Hi @J-a-x . We appreciate your interest in joining our beloved group. In order to keep going with your application proccess we'd like you to send us at least 10 photographs of your desire. Also, please join our discord server so you can have a close encounter with our team! https://discord.gg/gsmRZQQ
  18. Due to the lack of interest to get this request sorted (you had plenty of chances of getting this one sorted), the property will be put onto a public sale.
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