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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Add in the screenshots the last seen of the user.
  2. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  3. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  4. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  5. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  6. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  7. Property has been already requested. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5341/inactive-sf-business
  8. Way too early, request denied.
  9. Way too early, request denied.
  10. Candy stole my post.
  11. Simply log off in a safe place. I see no problem at all with that script. Allow cops to arrest an avoider. The probation duty won't be that hard since there's no need to report and even a rulebreaker won't be that afected, he won't get an admin jail (if he avoid by disconnecting) but the deserved jail time.
  12. Right now the housing system needs to be improved in order to add something like this. Anyhow, the property GUI not giving you options like these doesn't mean you cannot rent your properties. In old forums, there was a sub forum in the SAHA one where you could do all the rents related things. However, since it is not in the current forums, you can always talk with a Housing Agent, let him be the 'judge' of the rent contract you're making between another player and it should be all. Every month you recieve the money and if it didn't happen you can tell the Housing Agent to give the property back to you, obviously with the due proofs.
  13. Happy birthday frien! Take care, enjoy and fuck a lot
  14. Take care Niggus, enjoy, get wasted and fuck a lot! @nicus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh6ofSFA06M
  15. @nicus @Ardron what the fuck?
  16. Sorted.
  17. Here's again this time of the week! @Avengr Seems you were doing a great job. Had a decent background and our members didn't doubt in throwing their upvotes to you. Welcome to the gang buddy. @Tapi , Tapi, Tapi. It seems I wasn't clear enough with the "same as above" part. I meant you to wait two weeks in order to apply for us again. As I admit I wasn't clear myself, I'll let it through. Anyhow, it seems you ain't doing the right things. You're a good guy, but what we aim for our members is maturity, we don't need a guy spamming us in the AA topic or in discord "Me AA Me very Happy invite Me AA pls". This time I'll explain myself better, wait a week, think about what I've said and if you're still interested (and you stop being that overwhelming excited) apply back! However, see you all next year, AA HQ team wish you a happy new year!
  18. Happy birthday Jugo
  19. I mean in the post, not in the screens. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  20. Please add the last seen to the post as well.
  21. @Brophy said in Special Donation Spawn: Just reviewing some things. Originally it was 10GBP for donator spawn which lasted a month, then I reduced it to 5GBP for a month, however, due to Xmas, I extended all times for this spawn until 1st Jan. With that in mind, please note, whoever donated/added to donator spawn before 1st Dec, your spawn access will expire on 1st Jan. @Louis
  22. Sorted.
  23. Take care cabron, I'll kill that bastardo for you
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