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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Licano


  2. -JAILBREAK 170- OB Members: @Licano Helpers: None Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ghdMr2T
  3. Since you couldn't claim the property within the 48 hours after you made this request, the property will be put onto a public sale.
  4. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  5. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  6. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  7. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  8. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  9. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  10. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  11. This guy last seen was today. Request denied.
  12. This guy last seen was today.
  13. Edited on Tapi's request. Archived.
  14. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
  15. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
  16. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
  17. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman
  18. -EVENT 151- Event Type: Escape the guard. Prize: 1.500.000 Bitcoins first place & 500.000 Bitcoins second. Winner(s): @Vennelle @Zer0 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lvSfAnr
  19. -EVENT150- Event Type: Last man standing Prize: 1.500.000 Bitcoins Winner(s): @XpookS Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lvSfAnr
  20. Hard Landing. Dusk was coming. Sun already was hiding in the clouds while I was preparing myself to start working. Somehow I managed to recover my night shift. Seems like the guys up there noticed I'm more efficient when there's no hustle around. I took a toast I brought from home from my lunch box and went to my desk. Started looking through the tasks I had assigned just to refresh my mind. ::: ::: I had scheduled a transportation. Needed to pick some mechanic tools from Bone County Airport and then bringing them back to the Head Quarter. It was meant to be an easy task, besides it was maybe the only one I had to do the whole night. However, I didn't waste my time. I finished that toast I was eating, took some coffee and headed towards the Head Quarter Airport. From there I took off and started my small "journey". ::: ::: The weather was on point. The wind wasn't fast, the sky was clear, so clear you could see the stars in the night firmament. More than a job it was a de-stressing routine. It took almost no time reaching Bone County Airport. Everything went smooth, perhaps too much. I got inside the hangar, took the things I was commissioned to pick and went back to the Shamal. Once again I was in the air. Nothing weird was going on... Until I started hearing some weird noises coming from the right engine. I started checking into the command panel but there was nothing in there. Thought maybe it was my mind playing some tricks to me. Maybe I needed to sleep a bit more. However, that was not the case... After a few minutes I heard that sound again, and this time, the Shamal's rudder got hard to control, the plane started tumbling side to side. ::: ::: For sure it was not something I was making up. I started calling in the radio, asking for further instruction. That was some of the worst time I've had flying a plane. I know flying is like driving, there's always a risk of you crashing... But you always get more scared of crashing from the air.. right? Maybe it has something to do with the way you're crashing... Knowing there's also no possibility for you to stay alive. My heart was beating hard, and I still had a long way to go till the Head Quarter, so I knew I couldn't make it to there. The radio controller started questioning me, trying to know what the next step needed to be. I told her I still had a long way to fly, but in this state I didn't know if I could do it in one piece. I was told to land in Las Venturas Airport, as an emergency. But I still had to fly there. That night was filled with adrenaline, my thoughts were rushing down my mind like a stream. I didn't even know how I was managing to drive the plane, with all its tumbling. When I tried to turn right, it would go left, when I tried to turn left, it would turn right, up and down... All the same. Without even noticing I was near the airport... Now the trouble was about landing. I knew it would be a hard land. So I took a deep breath and went for it. It was sort of fast. Or at least that's how I remember it. I got out of the plane and started kissing the ground, I never was so happy about being in the ground... I guess when you're about to die, you realize how much you appreciate small details. ::: :::
  21. Hello there! First of all, we're really sorry for this long wait. Been two weeks already since the last time we dropped the results, we know a lot of you been waiting for this but sadly we've been handling some business and the time left we got, is not enough to review everything as it should be done, hence to not rush things and making bad decisions, we take an extra time resulting in this... two weeks. However, now that we're here, and we have cleared our minds regarding the applicants, we'll drop the results now. So get comfortable and enjoy. @PewD Eventhough you're a decent player, we think you need to improve some things in you in order to be AA material. Don't think we dislike you because we don't! However, sadly for us we'll have to deny you this time. Pretty sure if you wait some weeks, find the things you need to improve on, and come back in here, you could give us a pleasant surprise. @Diskerone & @Zeker Both of you were brilliant applicants. We had high hopes into you, however it seems you two got things going on that must be taken care of. As we know real life is first we'll be waiting for you once you get some free time to spend in here and having fun with the rest of the gang, in te meanwhile, we'll have to deny both of you. Hope to see you soon! @Laza , @Exile & @Combine We know one of you been waiting already two weeks, but we need to be 100% sure what to do with you. Most of you seems like a possible great addition to the team so stay around, keep giving your best and we'll come with another answer this sunday. @GaDDaRTR Not what we're looking for. Yours, Licano AA :p HQ
  22. Tut takes it in the butt!!! Happy birthday Tut. Enjoy your day!
  23. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
  24. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
  25. In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation or after 7 days of inactivity, whether the property has been sold or not. Do not doubt in creating another auction whenever it's needed and don't doubt in requesting a SA Housing Agent as middleman.
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