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Everything posted by blizzard

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qedIT-18nNY&feature=youtu.be
  2. We gotta see them aliens bois They can't stop all of us
  3. @Skerdi said in Bringing minigun to as MG-42: Why add a ww2 weapon in a late 90s game Why not? just because the game takes place in 90s doesn't mean the gun isn't still available on the market even though it's out of production for a long time. AK-47 was made in 1947 yet it's still in the game.
  4. Doubt the admins would want to give up the minigun, but here's my take on an MG42 -Make it a deployable weapon by command, to deploy it you'd need to wait 5-6 seconds, 7 seconds to reload, 5-6 to remove it from the ground -You cannot move while it is deployed, you can only aim and shoot -price for 100 bullets should be around around 10k per 50 bullets -Maximum capacity of 100 bullets then you have to reload -Damage shouldn't be OP as fuck like the minigun, i'd think of something a bit more than M4, and shooting speed should be a maybe like the m4 on drugs -SWAT tank should be immune to it -you shouldn't be able to kill with it from a long distance, see it more as a crowd-control weapon, a good counter-attack for it would be the sniper
  5. @Howlze SAES allows multiple RP characters at the same time, that's why we can easily switch from a criminal spawn to a police spawn or civilian spawn whenever we please, because it allows multiple RP characters. Other strict RP servers don't do that and force you to just take a role, and like you mentioned "Acti in a specific character - sticking to this character. ", and if you want to switch sides you have to do so in a RP way, like commit a crime as a police officer and drop the job, forever. But this is not how SAES works Not really related to the topic discussion but I just wanted to point that out.
  6. I've had this discussion with someone some time before this thread started and I knew it would end up with cops crying over their diploma, over the fact that they can't join CLO, OB etc. The truth is, as far as I am concerned, PC Diploma is given by SAPD, which is a group itself, so all of this is up to the group's HQ, as they are the ones giving it away. A more logical way for gang members to play as a cop rather than a trainee / state trooper / sai is... make a cop group. Yeah, hard to think about it? If Gang Members want to make a group that acts like a squad, attends BR's and so, and welcomes gang members, there is no one stopping you. Aslong the group really is active and realy shows what they want, I see no problem. Same goes for the cops, who stops you from creating a criminal group that lets cops in? DE CLO, OB, SAI, HLS are groups and they made their decisions who they want to let in. If you want the contrary, just make another group.
  7. I prefered the old time, when I logged in and it was day, it was day in-game too, and when I logged in at night it was night. Most of the server had the same good experience as me, i know there are a few individuals who can't have the same experience as us but maybe we can find a middle ground. Maybe add more optional time zones, for south america, europe and asia, that could solve everything. Afterall, day and night are just aestethic and don't interfere with the gameplay much.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usTODA-_VhY
  9. @Thing I did not forget where I came from, but that doesn't mean I have to kiss your ass everytime and praise you my entire life. To answer your other question, I don't blame ThC for anything, I just mentioned ThC-My friend thingie because it was something I took part of and it was kinda related to the topic. @Adistar I do believe more that Thing misunderstood me, but maybe that's because I expressed myself in a more "hostile" manner, maybe I should've been more pollite. You both seem to have taken my comments towards ThC very seriously and I'm afraid I will soon be swarmed upon by a bunch of your henchmen in this topic, so if I may ask you both, we should chill out. Again, I will highlight it once and for all, the reason I pulled ThC in this topic is because it was an event I witnessed and took part in which is similar in a way to what Marsello happened: getting denied - leaving ; and also because Thing turned pretty hostile towards Marsello. It did piss me off but then again both of you were true, I should've took him with me instead of sending him to you.
  10. @Thing true, it was my mistake, I had more faith in ThC back then. If he comes back I will make sure to take him with me. I'm not trying to portray you as a dickhead, you did help me a lot and I thank you for that, but I also can't ignore the fact that you changed alot and you became more salty and hostile towards anyone that does not like ThC, you weren't like that in the past. You don't have to threaten me like that, I just pointed a few things that you may have taken part in, altough for that case it was the entire HQ's fault not yours. I think we are going off-topic now, I made my points so I will stick out unless you will continue replying.
  11. Your friend quit the game because he wanted to. Just because he was not good enough to join our organisation is not our responsibility. A choice can be influenced by the things happening around you. My point is that we should try and help those new guys, instead of kicking them out directly just because they don't understand how things work. Back when I applied to RDMC years ago i was an idiot too, but thanks to AfterLife he helped me get in, and look at me nowdays. It is a game Thing, try not to take it so seriously. Try to help people around you instead of looking at them like "What an idiot, you did this you did that you don't deserve anything". If everyone in this community had this hostile mentality towards new players the server would be dead.
  12. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Tut-Greco said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): yes, it's a game Thing, keep that in mind. no need to set absurd high standards for people to join an organisation. we're giving him a path to follow by joining SAPA, and i'd feel guilty for seeing someone leave the server due to selfish people not letting him join anything. give people a chance to have fun instead of questioning someone who's giving another guy an opportunity If you would be realistic and saw his applications, behaviour on the forum etc, you would have a different opinion. But it is just a game, right? Guess that every dumbass can be invited because of that. Then the organisation gets demoted for rulebreakers or bad behaviour towards the community. How do you defend that, it is just a game? Yes indeed he may be retarded, but afterall he still has a right to enjoy the game, and Tut is taking responsability for a newbie guy with a shitty reputation, big balls eh? something ThC never managed to do and never will. (still remember how you denied my best friend and made him quit the game just because in your eyes "he wasn't skilled enough" and your gang was too "professional" for him, even though you were around level 2 or 3) Other than that, big props to you @Tut-Greco for having the balls to take this guy, maybe one day he will become a good player in the community :)
  13. ya know, things like alcohol, cigarettes... just like in real life lol
  14. D) Maybe your non-RP leadership team should also consider the fact that the President of SA is now Recep Tayyip Erdoan. "Recep Tayyip Erdoan" won the elections democratically. No need to be butthurt about it.
  15. I troll voted Odokab and Terry, didn't think 1% they'd win lol
  16. @Bunny said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": I kept running with 6.5kg gun in army one handed Sure it sounds stupid to run with a m4 in one hand, but at the same time the game does not allow running with a m4 using both hands (like every fucking game does) so it would make sense to leave the "realism" aside in this.
  17. Hi The new time changing system in the game is nice for some individuals who either played day-time in-game or fully night-time, but some of us enjoyed it and also used the in-game time as a meeting hour (which is not possible anymore) Could there be a script to allow the people that wanted the old time thing to have it while those that want the new time update to continue using it?
  18. @master said in Stop the drive-by script.: If I get your point correctly you are saying when you're being chased by 5 cops (since you're talking about driveby lets say 5 max) and you're alone you should be able to run away. I dont think that's how it's supposed to be. You ARE supposed to get arrested when you're outnumbered, that's teamwork. That is not really what I meant, it does make sense that the ones who outnumber you have a bigger chance to win, but let me give you an example of what this statement means to me. Some days ago I went to patrol with SWAT members, it was really fun, they used more cars to catch down criminals and they even had an helicopter. Now, let's say that the drive-by script is disabled. The ones in bigger numbers (SWATs with 3-4 cars) have a bigger chance to arrest a single car (just imagine the cool maneuvers they can use). My whole point is that in most cases, car chases last no more than 15-20 seconds and there is no fun involved in any way. Car chases can be fun for both sides.
  19. A common situation met by many criminals driving around which 95% of the time ends up with criminals being arrested (screenshot taken 1 year ago, things did not change up to this day) As a criminal, especially driving alone with stars, you dread it, you know they will catch you, it requires no skill, just numbers. A situation in which you are gunned down almost instantly by a cop car usually with more than 4 people "in" it, with no intention to even RP like in the old days. Yes it happens often, and I experienced it many times when I just wanted to drive around and relax. Now don't get me wrong, there are still some cops in the server who are looking to stop you and RP, but this is the most common way cops deal with criminals outside a criminal activity besides base raiding. Most of the cops opinion on this would be that I'd have to take friends with me everytime I drive around but really, is that a possible scenario? Can I get 5+ of my gangmates to protect me while I just want to drive around every time? Not really, most of the criminals drive around with a friend, 2 or 3 at max and still have no chance against the usual 10+ cops on a car. The simple solution? end the drive-by script, for both sides. It is the most fair way possible, cops can take you down, you have a chance to escape, and afterall, it is a much more fun and rewarding experience for both sides. EDIT #1: another maybe more fair solution would be only to allow the colt and taser, so cops can shoot down the tires
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