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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. @proton said in Comando Da Capital ~ Media Archive: Activity: ASSISTING UE BR Date: 15/10/2021 Screenshot(s):
  2. Event: #0014 Event type: 1v1 GT Prize: 1,000,000 LWS Helper(s): prfsnl @Curny Winner(s): @RikKi Screenshot(s):
  3. @proton said in Comando Da Capital ~ Media Archive: Activity: ASSISTING HS BR Date: 15/10/2021 Screenshot(s):
  4. Event: #0013 Event type: 1v1 sniper Prize: 1,000,000$ LWS Helper(s): @koko Winner(s): @BlackOut Screenshot(s):
  5. Activity: ASSISTING UE BR Date: 09/10/2021 Screenshot(s):
  6. @proton said in Comando Da Capital ~ Media Archive: Event: #0012 Event type: Kill the LWS Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Colobria Winner(s): @beauty Screenshot(s):
  7. @killer said in Comando Da Capital: SECTION I : PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: Liberty Username: Mag1kS Nationality: Tunisian Age: N/A SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: N/A Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): M/CripZ/ThC (M i left to try copside then i backout as cripz then i went ThC and i left due to problems with some members) Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Yes killer Why shall we consider accepting you?: Im active member and i provide CDC with good activities and im good turf player/cracker How will you be benefiting CDC: doinf events/rp and more Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler):
  8. Address: House Of The Ox Account name: PSEST Last seen: 24 july 2021 Screenshots:
  9. @fyrr Happy birth day w kol aam w enty hay bkhir Bratan <3
  10. Username: Mag1kS Age: 11/11/2001 Country: Tunisia Languages spoken: English/French/Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 6/10 How long have you been playing on SAES : started my career in 2014/2015 i didn't understand the game so i quit then i back out 2020 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins roleplay is selling guns around SA and do multiple criminals events Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): M : Died CripZ: i left to try cop side then i went back to crim ThC: Ig problems Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: last aj in 2020 when i just re-joined the server (didn't know all the rules)* Name 3 Bankrob rules: 1st:You can't defend outside bank unless its your gang br 2nd:You can't kill defenders unless its your gang br 3rd:You are not allowed to suicide/avoid arresting by telling criminals to kill you inside the br Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do? :Defending outside/Killing afk defenders Name 3 Turf rules: 1st:You can't spawn cop/pizza boy to help your gang 2nd:You are not allowed to camp on unclimable roofs 3rd:Your are not allowed to defend turf unless 1 member from the same gang is defending What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting in game like you'r acting in real life What is Deathmatching?: DM or Deathmatching is killing players without reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?:I warn him and if he is new player i teach him the rules You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:i'll pass away like i didn't see em Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: yes i have some friends in AA Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Im Adam 19 year old more like 20 i enjoy playing saes with my friends and i think i can offer the best to AA such as activities and more
  11. ^[] ^[Taking part of sr's around SA] ^[] ^[]
  12. ^[] ^[ASSISTING O BR] ^[]
  13. ^[] ^[Assisting JK BR] ^[]
  14. ^[] ^[ASSISTING GSF BR] ^[]
  15. ^[] ^[ASSISTING AA BR] ^[]
  16. ^[] ^[ASSISTING NAVM BR] ^[]
  17. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1362] ^[Event Type: chiken shooter] ^[Organiser: @filex @Judyes] ^[Winners: @joakito] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[] ^[]
  18. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1361] ^[Event Type: first one to warp] ^[Organiser: @filex @Judyes] ^[Winners: @Killer] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[] ^[]
  19. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1360] ^[Event Type: knock me off my nrg] ^[Organiser: @filex] ^[Winners: @SlapBobs and @Ahron] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  20. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1359] ^[Event Type: avoid my cs] ^[Organiser: @filex] ^[Winners: @Friction] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[] ^[]
  21. he lost his cracking skills at fox
  22. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1358] ^[Event Type: fallout] ^[Organiser: @filex] ^[Winners: @nulgath] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[] ^[]
  23. ^[] ^[sponsored by @Blue] ^[#1357] ^[Event Type: RPG shooter] ^[Organiser: @filex] ^[Winners: @Cha] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[]
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