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lazar_ last won the day on November 5 2023

lazar_ had the most liked content!

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  1. New building in stadium #20 Number of objects: 100 Link to the code (in case of sharing): Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/28UzbV3
  2. Cricket Ground #19 Number of objects: More than 600 Link to the code (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/DxVREs96 Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/GeEnc3T
  3. Name: lazar Username: kingfeuer Age: 15 Nationality: Pakistani Squad: SWAT Policing Groups: Secret Service, BRINKS, SAI. Pro Cop Since (date): 19 March 2024 Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Why would you make a good tester?: I believe I can be a good tester due to the fact that I can be active on the server with minimal inactivities. I can help players in their difficulties and explain the rules to them and also with my radio and roleplay knowledge. I would try to be as kind as possible and help them with their questions.
  4. Bank #18 Number of objects: 200 Link to the code (in case of sharing): Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/do4A9EV
  5. House #17 Number of objects: 300 Link to the code (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/h2fP7Dhe Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/dxbsu1Q
  6. Roleplay Story of the Airport This is a new airport made nearby the famous LVX. It offers a small runway along with 2 gates that allow passengers to board shamal and smaller planes. It also has a helipad. It can be used for both military and civil operations. It is air-conditioned and contains a lounge as well to handle VIP passengers. We were hired by the government to build an airport here as the main LV airport was not enough to handle the increase in tourism. It was made to handle smaller flights from nearby areas to lower the load on the main airport. We were offered $5m to make this. We started construction early 2024 and finished in June 2024, within the given deadline. Main components used were foundations, materials for runway, etc. We first set out the boundaries for the build, then started to work on foundations, then the structure and the walls. We also put solar panels so that it generates cheap electricity. We used asphalt, concrete for the runways and main building. Solar panels were also used. Some difficulties that we encountered was the lack of availability of labor and materials. The government was very satisfied with our work as we did it within the given time.
  7. Bridge #16 Number of objects: 251 Link to the code (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/xpA2jA8U Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/r0YqRtN
  8. Address: Blueberry loading store 1 Account name: yassine09 Last seen: 6th may 2024 Screenshots:
  9. Address: Vehicles Maniac Storage Account name: yassine09 Last seen: 6th May 2024 Screenshots:
  10. Chill Area #15 Number of objects: 270 Link to the code (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/tmPFbjcV Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/zlUVChM
  11. Airport #14 Number of objects: ~290 Link to the code (in case of sharing): Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/ZMrpcGK
  12. Address: Cluckin Bell East LV Account name: eleos Last seen: 8th may 2024 Screenshots:
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