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Posts posted by Bangas

  1. Bem, a partir do momento em que criaste este topico provaste que nao tens assim tanta experiencia e muito provavelmente nao tens experiencia que chegue para entar,por isso aconselho te a fazer apply para uma gang diferente que aceite pessoas menos skilled. so um advice fazes o que quiseres.

  2. I. Personal Info
    In-game Name: Bangas
    Username / Account-name: jmyx
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Portuguese
    Languages Spoken: English, French and Portuguese
    Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B1
    Average Ping: 50-70
    Average FPS: min/max 60/60
    Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My names Joel Im from portugal and I live in Porto,Im 18 years old and i am a universitary student, i am taking a Programming course.
    Mainly I like to play computer and hang out with my friends because i can always have fun with my virtual friends and do the same in the real life which is much more fun.I dont like to go to big parties and places where there alot of people because i can stay stressed easly and persons sometimes can be stupid.
    In my free time I play MTA,LOL,CS GO etc also i like to watch tv listen to music and much more After school, usualy i go home and play some games.
    My favourite game is MTA because it was my first game i ever played with multiplayer also it was one of my first games so it is kinda special to me.
    In the future, Id like to become a sussefull programmer have a fammily and be happy thats what matters on my point of view.

    II. In-game experience

    When did you join the server: I joined the server back in 2014/15 not sure.
    How much do you play each day : Usualy i spend 4 hours per day, but there is smodays where i can spend a bit more.
    Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAFP,SAPA,TST,HS,MM,MMC,BS,CripZ,ThC,CDC.
    Name the reason(s) for leaving:
    SAFP-it was my first squad so i cant remenber why i left.
    SAPA-Left due problems with Tut(solved).
    BS-Left, because i was going to be inactive for a long time and i didnt wanted to get kicked from the gang(2016 mind set)
    CripZ-left due problems with Zazo(solved)
    ThC-Left because i had internal problems with a few menbers(solved as well and nowadays i am "part of the family")
    TST-Left because my duty was completed there so i am looking for others objectives.
    Current group memberships: SAPA
    If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Yes, I would
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been banned by multiaccounting about punishments i am not punished for a long time i cant even remenber why i got punished the last time ..
    Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Because i was multiaccounting.

    III. Personal skills and knowledge
    (= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

    Your strengths: I am good at shooting/arresting but my main skill the one i have mastered on, is the driving skill also i am able to apply concepts like teamwork, etc...
    Your weaknesses: I cant remenber anyone.
    Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Well i know a few persons there, persons that i keep a good friendship also I think that the menbers are "decent" with this i mean that are persons who we can have a chat,a good moment, a lot of fun, also i should underline that SWAT can teach a lot to me.
    Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Well i think i would be a nice add since i can easly fit SWAT and their members, i can bring a lot of activity and mainly i would bring a friend.
    Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
    Title: Hostages in Jeferson.

    scenery: Jeferson Motel,Los Santos.

    Story: Its 07:50 when The central informed our Major.Crash that a hostage situation was rolling in Jeferson Motel, imediatly the Major organized our teams spliting it in the necessary devisions.
    Paul,Richard and john assumed the wheel and we fastly reached Jeferson Motel,There we built our tents where our superiors were going to discuss the tactics, weapons to be used and decisions that should me taken in the future , our superiors have made quick decisions since we can not wast even a 0.0001 second, while our major was giving us orders the Colonel.Kasparov interrupted the speach in order to inform our major that the robbers have made their requirements imediatly our Colonel and Major went inside the tent.
    When our Major returned, he gave orders to me and the rest of the sniper team to take the spots previously defined by our speriors.
    After the whole sniper team confirms their position via radio, the Colonel answered back giving ordrs to shoot after the strike team get in the building and return with the hosteges.
    The strike team rushed by the roofs and after precisely 3 minutes they left the interior of the Motel with 5 persons, 5 Robbers have been killed but others 2 still inside closed in a corridor refusing to give up and get arrested, this way the sniper team was activated since there was needed patience in order to dont risk the lifes of the strike team.
    Our Colonel.Kasparov gave new orders which was the permition to shoot evryone that moves inside that corridor,Fortuntly the last 2 Robbers surended after 4 hours so they got jailed, the hostages were safe in the hopital doing check ups and fortunetly there was no deaths in the SWAT team, today was a good day.

  3. alt text
    Description of RP: It was 9:00 pm and we were waiting at LSFD station for something to happen and suddenly we heard the sirene. After evryone get ready we lined up outside of LS SAFD in order to build a plan and choose the most adequated vehicles in order to achieve the sucess.We get 2 fire engines and an engine with leader and an ambulance.We rushed the house. When we reach scene we starting working on the major things we did an evaluation of the house safety and we rushed in to check out if there was any person. We rushed the engine trucks and put our masks, grabed our fire extinguishers and rushed the base of the house, we extinguished the fire that was burning in the base of the house after we extinguished the next floor and finaly we extinguished the end this way we stoped the fire.
    Date (DD/MM/YY): 27/05/2019
    Location: LS
    Participants: @glayd @RadiO @Bones @Raf0 @ferthis @xDarkMan @Toolbox @Bas and @Crash
    Screenshots: Here.
    alt text

  4. alt text
    Description of RP: 2 cars crashed in the LV-LS highway the reason still unknown, the vehicles started burning and later another car coming from LV crashed in the vehicles burning and burned aswell. We reached the local and started extinguish the cars and started prepairing the cars to be removed by an external company.
    Date (DD/MM/YY): 27/05/2019
    Location: LV-LS highway
    Participants: @buddler ,@ZeKinG ,@DJO
    Screenshots: Here.
    alt text

  5. Also I would like to add that this type of SR would bring something that we dont see that much nowadays, TeamWorking and so on. Because i cant imagin my self ending with such SR without help, so this way i am going to set up a team to end this, and also who knows if a new squad/group apears with the role like a marine squad would be awesome. The new players usualy hang around with squads/companys/groups/gangs so i am pretty sure that at some point somebody will explain them how it works,the small % that only plays with friends and dont know how some stuff work maybe can find out by them.
    Their thought in example:
    "Why there is a SR blip in the midle of the sea wtf? lets check it out."

  6. @Thing said in New 2008 Range Rover:

    https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/113457-land-rover-range-rover-sport-30-sd4-at-306.html (without the Russian plates of course)

    At least grab a proper mod such as these two, newer models. A 2008 Range Rover is not ''New''.
    Also, the current Huntley is awesome, it fits the game. The Japanese cars should be removed such as the Supra and R34 GT-R, they do not fit the game at all.

    thing mods are actualy good stuff,+1 for one of these

  7. Section 1 - Non-RP Information

    Nickname: Bangas

    Username: jmyx

    Old nickname/Other used names ingame: N/A

    Age: I am 18 years old.

    Gender: I am male.

    Current G/SThe Strike Team

    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? I am part of TST since 10/12/2018 and currently i am Head Quarter.

    Current groups:

    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: I have been banned by multiaccounting about punishments i am not punished for a long time i cant even remenber why i got punished the last time wich means that I dont mess up for a long time.

    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Yes Will I have alot of free time.

    Tell us something about yourself: My names Joel Im from portugal and I live in Porto,Im 18 years old and i am a universitary student, i am taking a Programming course.
    Mainly I like to play computer and hang out with my friends because i can always have fun with my virtual friends and do the same in the real life which is much more fun.I dont like to go to big parties and places where there alot of people because i can stay stressed easly and persons sometimes can be stupid.
    In my free time I play MTA,LOL,CS GO etc also i like to watch tv listen to music and much more After school, usualy i go home and play some games.
    My favourite game is MTA because it was my first game i ever played with multiplayer also it was one of my first games so it is kinda special to me.
    In the future, Id like to become a sussefull programmer have a fammily and be happy thats what matters on my point of view.

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes i do undersatand that.

    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes i do Understand that.

    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes i do Understand that.

    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes i do Understand that.

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths? Well i think that my main stegth is the driving skills i belive that i am good at RPing and also i am able to apply concepts like teamwork etc...

    What are your weaknesses? As far as i know i do not have any relevant weakness.

    Why do you want to join the SAFD? I have been playing and rping as firefigher and i found out that it is really interesting and fun so this motivated me to become part of SAFD.

    Why do you want to join the academy? I want to join the academy in order to be able to respond to any situation related with SAFD role.

    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? I would be happy to learn all of them.

    ^[alt text]

    Applicant's signature:Bangas

  8. @Morena said in TST - The Strike Team:

    ~[Part 1 / Personal information.]~(blue)

    Ingame Name: Morena.
    username: Hamza250.

    Dear @Morena ,
    Our HQ team and menbers have been discussing about you, and the feedback wasnt that good, anyways i think you can improve yourself,this way i am giving you ~[Pending]~(yellow),Notice that you need to work the topics that i will write down here:

    • Dont spam HQs with PMs;

    • Work your behaviour ( try to be more mature );

    • Show Loyality;

    • Show your skills(joining RPs, Trainings, Raids,etc...)

    Also i must underline that you can and should also hang around with lower menbers they have a vote as well.

    Best Regards,
    The Strike Team Head Quarter,

  9. @Licano said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    @Bangas said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    @Licano said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    @Bangas said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    would be a bad idea if the SR starts with 30% or 50% so you have time to claim it? @Licano

    That percentage would be hard af for cops to recover from, instead, some minutes delay, or at least a percentage to be reached would do the trick, or also, when a sr reachs x number of players, you get notified too

    the problem is that criminals are a major number so the only advantage that cops got is the SR is precisely arrive first... change that will make cops lose their golden chanse, even if cops recive the nication when the sr reach x % there could be alot of players already wich makes cops job much harder and who knows impossible

    That's a good point. Increasing the number of percentage could raise the time it takes for a SR to be over and would give everyone a chance to reach it

    Indeed, Also i think this is a theme that requieres some in game tests in order to find a balance between the starting percentage.

  10. @Licano said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    @Bangas said in Suggestion; delay for cops in the SR notification.:

    would be a bad idea if the SR starts with 30% or 50% so you have time to claim it? @Licano

    That percentage would be hard af for cops to recover from, instead, some minutes delay, or at least a percentage to be reached would do the trick, or also, when a sr reachs x number of players, you get notified too

    the problem is that criminals are a major number so the only advantage that cops got is the SR is precisely arrive first... change that will make cops lose their golden chanse, even if cops recieve the notification when the sr reach x % there could be alot of players already wich makes cops job much harder and who knows impossible
    same for the player count,there could be only 2 persons in SR robbing (lets pretend that cops get notified with 3 players)the sr would be done without any advertisement.
    But at certain point i agree with you, if cops arrive first is almost garanteed that it will be cops victory

  11. @Freezom said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Part 1 / Personal information.Ingame Name:Freezoom

    Real Name: Mert

    Dear @Freezom ,
    We have been discussing within the HQ team and i am glad to announce that we already decided about you,Well i know you and i have seen you playing for a long time and also you are an experienced player so i am happy to say that you are ~[accepted]~(lime).
    Meet me or a COL+ for a final test in game.
    Best of the luck,
    The Head Quarter Of The Strike Team,

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