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Everything posted by Rieeria

  1. Participants: Rieeria Glayd District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/5b2V0qR
  2. Participants: Rieeria District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/rb2X6Cv
  3. Participants: Rieeria Darius Oscar District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/F0JYb79 Participants: Rieeria Darius Oscar District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/GsYDPMV Roleplay type: 904A Description of Roleplay: I have recieved call from local firefighters, they told me that they needed some extra equipments such as gas-masks and gloves. So i took our Chief car, and started to move to the scene.Suddenly, vehicle caught fire.I took out extinguhisher from trunk, and putted out fires and reported the situation to the LVPD. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QORRpUR
  4. Participants: Rieeria Darius Axponk District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/4DeIIQY Participants: Rieeria Darius Axponk District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/m2RrX9U Participants: Rieeria Darius Axponk District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/vYtflDi
  5. Date: 31/10/23 Event type: Steal the van Reward price: 50m$ LWS/Admin Host: Element & Yoko Winner: None Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/AT4Cjv4
  6. Instead of expressing your opinions either suggestions, you decide to argue.Ngl i already expected that you would just be dickhead as usual. Pick up locations are not too complicated, we pick money from banks only. We are talking about 7 minutes of driving, the van can not reach more than 160 km/h.(Adding V8 fucks up the handling, so do not even bother suggesting it) imagine you have blip on you all the time, for 7 minutes.Basicly a group of 4 criminals can easly hunt you down with v8 packers.That is why having " blip" is unfair for both sides. I agree with @Dinaz suggestion tho, but 1 minute is too short as you spend around 5-6 minutes during LV-SF location.If we can have different timer in each pick up location, it will be more fair for both sides.Otherwise, having a topbar notification is more than enough. Also @Henry is right, i've seen many guys stopped assaulting our convoys as they started to get warnings/ajs from staffs.
  7. Participants: Rieeria Alexis District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/gYG0wWm
  8. Date: 24/10/2023 Event Type: Sea Sparrow Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Ankush Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Pqr7M2V
  9. Date: 24/10/2023 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Donbankz Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jbYxPtr
  10. Date: 24/10/2023 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Donbankz Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2srCY4e
  11. One transport takes around 3-4 minutes to complete, and there is only one drop off location.If you add blip appears on you each time you start money transport, it will just make cops lose interests to that script. The reward is 100k which is already high, therefore criminals should not be able to see the location all the time.That is why they organize, and try to loc /search us on map.Imagine 20 criminals attacking to the solo driver, it would not be balanced. In the currenty system a group of 2-3 criminals can steal the truck easly, by just blocking the mint enterance, and whenever we approach to there we usually get naded instantly. To sum up, making the trucks more armored would be good for both sides, especially for the criminals as they can punished if they destroy the truck. Also, instead of having a blip always or the one appears every 30 seconds, there might be a small top bar message about on-going transport each time we drop the money.
  12. Participants: Rieeria Darius Laciden Axponk District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M46veTz
  13. Date: 20/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Rieeria @SILIKONDY @Asaf. Screenshots:
  14. Date: 20/10/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zVEQTGe
  15. Participants: Rieeria District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/i5n6qzr
  16. Participants: Rieeria District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xFms44l
  17. Date: 8/10/2023 Participants: Rieeria Metalhead Type of activity: Money Transport Description: Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BYBOp5O Date: 8/10/2023 Participants: Rieeria Metalhead Type of activity: Money Transport Description: Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PTWYRqg
  18. Participants: Rieeria Darius Ziby District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qISoar9 Participants: Rieeria Glayd District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of vehicles extinguhised: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/z6LanVa
  19. Participants: Rieeria Darius District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/34rLEW6 Participants: Rieeria Darius District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ly2qMBA
  20. Patrol # 3913 Personal Patrol # 194 Participants: Rieeria Amount of healed or Time of patrol:15+Mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/luTjx0d
  21. Name: Rieeria Username: rieeria Age: 18 Nationality: Turkish Squad: PAC (Police Acedemy) Policing Groups: SAFD (vL) BRINKS(vL) SAM(sL) SAI (Assistant of Chief<HQ>) SS sHQ Pro Cop Since (date): 18/07/23 Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: My sign in link. Previous Experience: First of all, i have been taking part in majority of the policing groups since 2.5 years.I spent a lot of time with doing roleplays.I am in HQ team since BRINKS is created, 2.5 years, which taught me how to roleplay properly.After a year later, i managed to take part in management team in SAI and SAFD at the same time.There were not many active HQs in SAI when we took the spot, so i spent a lot of time by testing applicants in there with another HQ.Meanwhile i improved myself a lot during that month and became more patient and experinced.Also after i became HQ in SAFD, i hosted a lot of roleplays and did over 35+ tests.And now i'm leading it sincr more than 1.5 year.I also took part in SAM HQ team, and i made about 30 different tests in there, and while doing each one, i always showed how to use /me and /do properly.And lately, i took the position of sHQ in Secret Service which improved my leading skills, making long roleplay storys and being able to make roleplay in different situations. To sum up, i spent most of my free time by doing tests ,teaching how to roleplay, using radio properly.Also i've been hosting roleplays and activities around SAES to keep others interested with roleplays within those groups. Why would you make a good tester?: Well, being HQ in roleplaying groups for over 1.5 years improved my roleplaying skills, also my patience and experince. I usually keep in touch with the applicants in my groups, show them whats correct and whats not about roleplaying.In addition to that, i keep training people in SAFD how to use radio properly, showing DUI tests and basic procedures in SAI, and giving tips about how to use /do more efficently in SAM.Also leading BRINKS and being head of training in Secret Service helped me a lot to keep people together, lead them properly. So all of those things i mentioned would be benefical for me, and make me a good tester.
  22. Patrol # 3888 Personal Patrol # 193 Participants: Rieeria GFlayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol:15+Mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/F3UMKVQ
  23. Participants: Rieeria Alexis Glayd District: All Shift period: 15 + Minutes Number of victims healed: 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9j4j9nQ
  24. Participants: Rieeria District: All Shift period: 15 Minutes Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uUqFMUQ
  25. Participants: Rieeria District:All Shift period: 15 Mins+ Number of victims healed 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/USNoebM Participants: Rieeria Darius Phrost District:All Shift period: 15 Mins+ Number of victims healed 5+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TnbH01U
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