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Everything posted by Nirjhor.

  1. Power Rangers: The Dark side
  2. Blame SNome not Outfit
  3. @Raiden We're not a second choice gang, re-apply in 2 weeks if still interested. @n-dsj-xdw-we pending.
  4. Human sad cuz he didn't get to lead
  5. @Catra @Malaleche accepted, find a level 4+ ingame to be invited. @Hyng @PanosPanos pending. @Danger-tkd Denied. Don't bother re-applying.
  6. This also means Jay is now a probie in Outfit
  7. And I'm HQ now, deal with it.
  8. https://youtu.be/0bCM8xufz7s?list=LLZGlBvd7AIqzc4GPaKDRyGQ The time has come.
  9. @snome said in Departure from ICE: Popcorns? Anyone? Go back to being afk at LVX you noob.
  10. Howdy people as I come with another set of results @serpentis @Spinner @cHuck accepted, for the record. @Catra @Malaleche pending. Others are denied and free to re-apply after 2 weeks if still interested!
  11. Everyone pending except Jay he's denied.
  12. @adamaug Denied, we had high expectations from you but you failed to show our members that you're capable of joining us. Hanging efforts were really questionable but as the gang did like you, you'll be given a chance to re-apply in 10 days. @mojito-canario @Hitman @Prometheus Pending, prove yourselves.
  13. @DeepK Denied, re-apply in 2 weeks if still interested and if you gain the trust of our members. @adamaug Prove yourself in the following days if you really want to have a chance to join us. You are still pending.
  14. @hazy @EloThAm Accepted, others are still pending and will be given a final answer soon.
  15. bad @Human_
  16. That moment when you're so useless to be called a human that you literally name yourself Human to meet those expectations but then you get called useless again
  17. @DeepK Pending, prove yourself.
  18. @adamaug @EloThAm @hazy Pending, prove yourselves.
  19. @Amara Accepted, find a level 4+ ingame to get invited. Probie period is still an important part of your Outfit carrer as it decides if you'll become a full member or not. @hazy CDC ain't a group, get your facts right and edit your application. You have 12 hours.
  20. @Amara Pending, although you have to prove yourself more than anyone.
  21. @alex0107 Denied, we expect maturity from our members and applicants and you lack that, a lot. Re-apply again in 2 weeks if still interested.
  22. @IceCream You are still not well enough qualified to join a level 5 gang. I suggest starting up with some low level gangs and get to know the server more before applying to us again. Denied, re-apply after 3 weeks if still interested. @alex0107 You do seem qualified but that's not enough to join us. Hang around with our members and show what you're capable of. Pending for now.
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