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Everything posted by Nirjhor.

  1. @Camaron @Kubsztak @Brian Accepted, ask a level 4+ ingame for an invite. Everyone else that had applied is denied as we suspect that you lack the experience needed to join a level 5 gang, although you can still prove us wrong by re-applying after 2 weeks, thus proving your loyalty.
  2. @cristianomj @ivanalves @MR-DaLi Denied, re-apply again in 2 weeks if still interested. @Meliodas After taking into account of the numerous server gangs and squads you've been, you're denied but feel free to prove your loyalty after 2 weeks. @Makel @jonathan959 Accepted, for the record. Everyone else that didn't get an answer are as of now, still pending. Prove yourselves worthy and final decision will be made in a few days for all of you.
  3. @Shiryu accepted, for the record. @samuel3021 @Yung @bastian1 pending. Prove yourselves worthy.
  4. @WindWall Denied. @King01 Accepted, for the record.
  5. @azizess01 @agentwolf @xxtimboBG @Smoke Denied, re-apply again in 2 weeks if still interested and in the meantime gather enough experience to join a level 5 gang. @WindWall @King01 We have high expectations from you, prove us right. Pending.
  6. @bastian1 Your case had been moved to the hands of the HQ team, they'll deal with you. @Smoke Amara is not an O member, anymore. Although for your interest shown you have to prove yourself more than anyone else. @ItzSpicey Please refrain from posting here unless it's an application, easy way would have been to just PM one of us.
  7. @Inferno Accepted @Haykel Pending, show more efforts in hanging and such. @SNome Denied @Conway-01 Pending, show yourself around our members.
  8. Always knew you were retarded, but not this much anyways that's another retard off the server.
  9. Excuse me what the fuck
  10. @heshamthhbest Denied, re-apply in 2 weeks if still interested.
  11. @ballz Denied, lack of interest in you shown by the gang itself. Everyone else's safe aka pending but prove yourselves worthy soon.
  12. @sam said in I'M BLUE!: LoL it don't make really sense this topic! You don't either.
  13. These were some tough voting times, anyway we've come to a conclusion. @catalin002 accepted. @Glitch Denied, members didn't quite like you but you still have a chance to re-apply in 2 weeks and change their minds.
  14. That's their choice as I've said, furthermore, rather than just staying at elite status whilst doing nothing, this is better.
  15. It won't by any chance will have any impact on new gangs, and yeah, there are gangs or squads that will do it. You are only looking at it from your own perspective but from the server's perspective, it's more than what you think.
  16. It's not like it's a must for every g's'c's. They will have the choice to stay at elite status and forget about this points thing but the other ones that are interested can make a move.
  17. I've never said anyting regarding respect with these points did I? Also starting from scratch and actually working for the g/s/c again together like a team will be better than just staying in level 5 always no?
  18. With the current state of gang/squad/company based activities, the idea of prestige points will be a huge plus point. But what's prestige points? Basically when you reach the elite status which as of now is level 5, you are done with achievements as getting level 5 now is the only achievement g/s/c's focuses on. Arguments can be made stating that there can be other achievements such as fame, respect and a whole lot of other things. Prestige points can change that. After reaching the elite status, you hitting the reset point or in simple words, go back to being level 0, then start from the start again. Although this time, you can use the prestige points you gathered so far to get increased rewards of your choice. How that works will be discussed below. Continuing from our last sentence, yes, you can get increased rewards at each level and you can do it as many as times as you want but getting level 5 thus reaching elite status will only allow you to do so. Let's discuss the rewards, as I've said it will be an increased reward than usual but not that much. There can be increased ammo, or gang-locked vehicles and so on, this depends on the GM team completely aswell as the points tracking and distributing matters. This is just my own and own opinion only and it can change according the server's feedback but as said in the starting, this can change the server from what it is now it has that much potential.
  19. @catalin002 @Glitch pending, prove yourselves worthy.
  20. @MenSpider Accepted, for the record.
  21. @abdulla Denied, lack of interest.
  22. @master-chief said in dislike all RikKi's posts (THC): no no no this is impossible you have 183- reps ???? this must be a bug no one can get that Wanna try?
  23. Intellect: -140.
  24. Sovetskiy Krasniy Molot - https://discord.gg/dWkUCFy
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