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San Andreas Housing Agency
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Everything posted by Snoupa

  1. @Licano @DROT sorted
  2. best of luck
  3. good luck !
  4. Event Number : 14 Event Type : Maze LWS Helper : Koko Price : 3.000.000$ Winner(s): Franks Screens: https://imgur.com/a/6N2zzJH
  5. Screens : https://imgur.com/a/wPBXUud Starting Bid : 6m Good luck ! Auctions end in 2 days
  6. wish you the best of luck , happy birthday ;)
  7. Event Number : 13 Event Type : Chicken arrest LWS Helper : Dufabo Price : 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Melou Screens: https://imgur.com/a/Xm9AnNS
  8. good luck boys (sen oslan bari )
  9. username: xxebashyvksahyxx last seen 2 july screens : https://imgur.com/a/pcDN4A4
  10. Account name: thepharaoh Last login: 8th august screen https://i.imgur.com/fCtkZln.jpg
  11. Username: jensen100 Last seen 5th august https://i.imgur.com/UZQuLYc.jpg
  12. Username: jensen100 Last seen: 5th august 2018 Screen: https://i.imgur.com/pWVyPvj.png
  13. Personal Information. In-game nickname: SniperLyfe# In-game username [your login]: momen123 Your real name: momen Your age: 18 Your nationality: Tunisian Your timezone: GMT [+/-] GMT +1 How often do you play every week?: back from inactivity English proficiency (Out of 10)i'd rathe it 8 out of 10 Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absences & forum time too): since 2013 What organization are you CURRENTLY a part of?: Tuga Thugs What are your previous organizations?: cdc oc z What server groups are you CURRENTLY a part of?: Cunning Stunts - Smashfm Previous server bans WITH reasons: i have been banned 2 times multi accounting in my newbie time and another one due to lie General Knowledge of SAES:RPG & raceTECH. Explain what park killing is and why it isn't allowed. Park killing is not allowed because it counts as Deathmatching which is parking a car on a player inorder to kill him. Explain what deathmatching is and why it isn't allowed. Deathmatching is killing damaging players without any reason Explain what avoiding arrest is and why it isn't allowed. Avoid arrest is when cop chasing you and you disconnect from the game or you kill yourself When was raceTECH founded?: it was founded in 2012 Where is raceTECH base located? Los Santos, next to the airport. Have you read our group rules prior to applying?: Yes I did. What will happen if you cheat during a racing event?: Louis will hunt me down, and stick his dick up to my nose. What is the first thing you should do before roleplaying as raceTECH?: f I have a wanted level I have to lose it first, and If I want to spawn as rTECH I must wear tag. What is rule 5 of the raceTECH rulebook?: Just be active. In your opinion, what do you think is the most important raceTECH rule?: Always listen to higher ranked members and respect server rules. Additional Information. What interested you most about raceTECH?: i really like the group roleplay and i wanted to join to gain some experiences and my main reason of applying cause i like racing others Would you see yourself as more of a role player, racer, or event host for raceTECH?: roleplayer Why should we pick you to be a member?: to Be honest i haven't been ingame for a while but im a lovely guy and i will help this groupe with all my abilities Do you own a vehicle in real life? If so, what is it? [N/A if you don't drive]: N/A What is your dream vehicle to own?: ferrari If you have any screenshots of your activity for raceTECH already [for example, if you've attended role plays or events] then post them below. This greatly increases your chances of being accepted into the group. You can also update your topic as you go, with more events, roleplays and screenshots. Hanging Out With Nemesis : https://imgur.com/a/7Z6sxnl Racing with nemesis : https://imgur.com/a/yHPgI3H
  14. username : slaine97 screens : https://imgur.com/a/mymCdi0
  15. username : slaine97 screens : https://imgur.com/a/QMXujoW
  16. @curvy it's not from your businesse thanks for your help anyways but i don't need it from a kid like yu :)
  17. idk how to post a picture so you can see here : https://imgur.com/a/MDdozd5
  18. Total Events: 100 Money Spent: 167.500.000$ Old Events Can Be found here
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