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San Andreas Housing Agency
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Everything posted by Snoupa

  1. Event number: 13 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS / G6 Helper(s): Coldplay Winner(s): Kajo [SAFP] Screenshots: Click Me !
  2. happy birthday turk lover
  3. hbd
  4. screens : https://imgur.com/a/1d9qLVZ last seen : 29 october
  5. username : 40salih screen https://imgur.com/a/EyCF9Pu
  6. Event number: 36 Event type: LMS Combat Shotgun Only Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Dufabo Winner(s): [NNB]Tayber Screenshots:Here
  7. Event number: 6 Event Type: Death Caddy Circuit Prize(s): 1.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Odorian Winner(s): Sami ( ThC ) Screenshots: Here
  8. Event number: 35 ( NEW ) Event type: Death Caddy Circuit Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Odorian Winner(s): [ThC]Sami Description of the event : circuit builded by odorian ( thanks boy ) with many obstacles you have to pass 2 laps to win Screenshots:Here
  9. Screens : link text Starting bid : 1.500.000 $
  10. congratz boys (:
  11. inactive tr *
  12. username: lonix screens : here
  13. here we go pengo <3
  14. Event number: 34 Event type: Arrest SniperLyfe Prize(s): $20.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Zwolle Winner(s): Dk Screenshots: Click Here ! [New Build Credits To zwolle ( under sf bridge ) ]
  15. Event number: 3 Event type: Arrest SniperLyfe Prize(s): $20.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Zwolle Winner(s): Dk Screenshots: Click Here !
  16. Event Number : 33 Type of event: Elegy Race [ LV A ==> LS Docks ( TT BASE ) ] Price: 1,000,000 $ Winner(s): Pancy Hoster(s): Cunning Stunts LWS/G6: Dufabo Screenshots : Click Me !
  17. Event Number : 32 Type of event: BMX Fallout Price: 1,000,000 $ Winner(s): Slowpoke Hoster(s): Cunning Stunts LWS/G6: Dufabo Screenshots : Click Me !
  18. good luck y'all
  19. Your ingame username: momen123 Your ingame alias: sniperlyfe Your real name: momen Your year of birth: 2001 Your gender: Sexy male Nationality: tunisian Country of residence: sousse Language skills: i can talk frensh / arabic and english English Proficiency: i'd rathe it 7 out of 10 How long you have been playing: 3 years Your strengths: patient - dealing with things Your weaknesses: i have some weakness ingame like flying and driving Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SAHA Teamspeak Installed: yes Discord Installed: yes Do you frequently get involved on Discord: probably in beta acces things Reason for application: Unique qualities you can offer: Night Activity since im gonna be fully free after some days , i will deal with inactivity prop request all things related with SAHA Server Memberships: cunning stunts - sap - cc - tt - racetech Additional information: Hello there , my real name is momen known as sniperlyfe ingame since 3 years , i've been grown in this community very fast , i was part of sousse football team when i was young stopped due to irl problems , love hanging around with my friends and play vedio games Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: i have been adminjailed before Previous (legitimate) bans: twice multi-accounting when i was newbie probably one of saes hqs know it won't deal with it here Are you a muslim?: yes and im proud of it
  20. joyeux zeking
  21. -Section 1- In-game Nick : SniperLyfe Nationality: Tunisian Age: 18 yo English proficiency: i'd rathe it 8 out of 10 Other Languages: arabic frensh -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: doing jailbreaks with friends better then alone Current membership(s): Cuban Cars - Tuga Thugs - San Andreas Pirates - RaceTECH - Cunning Stunts -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: hey there , im knowed as SniperLyfe ingame but my irl name is walid , well joined the server back in 2 years , first gang was cdc really greate gang but i ended up when i got banned for multi accounting back with power to revive organization zero stayed there for a week nobody wants to log in or atleast help me to do some rp or events ended up after leaving the organzitation , tried with tuga thugs it's a good gang , mature members im still part of em :p , well im trying with you guys cause i always do jailbreaks instead of doing srs it's more fun that's why i wanna join and gain more & more experiences
  22. In-game name : SniperLyfe Username : momen123 Age : 18 years old Nationality : Tunisian Previous bans/punishments : banned twice ( one for multi-accounting and one for opening freinds forum while he was ban evading ) Why you think you would be suitable for the role : i have a lot power to deal with saha things such as inactive request since im fully active in the server and i have read all server rules & saha rules pretty sure i can make it
  23. 870k
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