-Section 1- In-game Nick : SniperLyfe Nationality: Tunisian Age: 18 yo English proficiency: i'd rathe it 8 out of 10 Other Languages: arabic frensh -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: doing jailbreaks with friends better then alone Current membership(s): Cuban Cars - Tuga Thugs - San Andreas Pirates - RaceTECH - Cunning Stunts -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: hey there , im knowed as SniperLyfe ingame but my irl name is walid , well joined the server back in 2 years , first gang was cdc really greate gang but i ended up when i got banned for multi accounting back with power to revive organization zero stayed there for a week nobody wants to log in or atleast help me to do some rp or events ended up after leaving the organzitation , tried with tuga thugs it's a good gang , mature members im still part of em :p , well im trying with you guys cause i always do jailbreaks instead of doing srs it's more fun that's why i wanna join and gain more & more experiences