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Everything posted by Radrick

  1. @-Sadio i Buy it with 2m and i give you my Business 10meters cripz base
  2. Be with my family happy and have great year all
  3. @JoGe 8.5m can u show icon?income
  4. @Kalashrie said in Mint Los Santos Vinewood ($16.000K Income, $2.000.000 Market Value): @barras pending on new offers. 10m200k
  5. FBI Discord https://discord.gg/GJB9MrN
  6. Last Seen: 9september Accoun name: 420waffle screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wj7k1p9
  7. Sold to @Pera98 @nicus do ur job
  8. Hbd spinkess have great day bro
  9. @Brophy and @Teddy and @RAMPAGE
  10. @Noisyboy take a look on topic Good luck bigboss
  11. Its located in Los Santos Grove Street Family Starting bid: 2.000.000 House With car Spawn Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LtQrcMl
  12. I want to join @Patrick
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