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Everything posted by Radrick

  1. happy birthday @Elyes and @Lincoln have great day both of u meet me ingame for ur gift haha
  2. good luck i know you can do it .
  3. @Adriano find me ingame @Crash crash lock it
  4. @Kalashrie my prize is 13m
  5. happy birthday @zaza meet me ingame for your gift frend @Brondy too @Sneijder too best regards ananasikim kendini becer not for yaaa
  6. Additional Information What is your Real Name: Amine Age : 15 Country of residence : germany What other languages do you know? : english spain arabic french german Rate your english skills : 7 Please tell us a little bit about yourself, (Write minimum 50 Words) : Hello , my name is Amine , I'm 15 years old , I'm living in Germany precisely in Berlin one of the best coastal cities , In leisure time ,I practice sport ,I often go to the beach with my friends to spend enjoyable time ,sometimes we go to the cafe , as well I enjoy playing football ,I'm a Juventes fan such I can not miss any game , i watched all the team matches , my favourite player is cristiano ronaldo , I have a little brother named Illias , Currently I like playing Fortnite and MTA , probably you can find me at SAES:RPG server , i'm so active at forums . In-Game Information and Motivation Part What is your Ingame NickName: Radrick or Radix Account name (?) : radrick Do you have discord ? : yes How many day hours do you spend in-game in a day : 7-9 How long have you played on MTA and SAES : saes 2013 mta, 2012 Have you ever been banned or jailed by SAES admin/staff (if so please write the reason) : yes for ban evade i'll explain to hq's Previous gangs/squads/:(explanation of why you left/ or kicked) : CripZ/HS/TA/HS/OUTFIT/CDC/FBI/BLOODZ/ , Bloodz i'll explain to hq's ingame , HS Dead , TA dead , hs dead, outfit i got kicked rulebreaking rules , CripZ i got kicked because being dick What would you say your weaknesses and strengths are? : Strenghts cracking shooting arresting flying driving, weaknkess sometimes lag
  7. none getting this expect me lets try friends 51m
  8. Welcome back [HS]Twenta
  9. Best of luck
  10. I have the same bug but now not. You have to reinstall mta and gta and download normal gta without mode like cars etc
  11. I'am selling a big business with 2garages in Los Santos Starting bid: 2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KUx7ywG
  12. Name or Tag of the team: name|Niggers Players of the team (may leave a 6th player if someone needs to be replaced): @Zwolle @Franks @Disaster @Harb and me
  13. @OrRteN hahahaha that's not u this is u If u gonna lie I will proof it that u are this guy ](https://imgur.com/a/tep3qpA
  14. Sorry..
  15. 1.750.000 @Kim Today 01.01.2019
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