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Posts posted by NORI91

  1. alt text
    Attenders: @hxh , @Gabbar , @Iceberg , @Netro and @E-Bora
    Explanation: : today we decided to prepare for some training , so i called some units from other Squads to do that in ~[TST Base]~(navy). cop should be skilled and ready for any criminals attacks .
    protecting civilians/cities is our duty.
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  2. @flex said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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    ALT RP with TST.
    Participants: @NORI999 and Flex.
    Story: While i was in my office, watching soccer, i received a phone call from a TST officer, asking for ALT mechanic service. I rode my Towtruck and hit the road all the way to TST base, where i found him waiting for me at the main gate. He directly showed me the damaged vehicle, where i took a look around and found some missing Metal Scrap. Luckily, i brought some with me, where i put them in my toolbox. I picked up some of the kits i need and started installing the Metal Scrap. After a couple of minutes, i asked the officer to turn on the engine once again to make sure everything is fine. And as i predicted, it was all okay! The officer appreciated my work and he also told me that TST will use ALT services from now on!
    Album: https://imgur.com/a/RpOXqpv

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    ~[SAFD Members]~(#21deb8,#21deb8): Crach,Ramos,Marko
    ~[Firefighters]~(#cfc619) Glayd,Dufabo,Riley,Ramby,Asgal,NORI

    RolePlay :
    Today we received orders to assemble in SAFD , The instructions were related about going to the hightway Las Venturas - San fierro and trying to control the situation there We have equipped the trucks and take equipment, After we arrived We checked the place And find an easy way to stop spreading flames It was the decision to took waterHoses/extinguishers And then we did spray into the flames , After long trouble we saved the victims and we put out the fire . the mission completed successfully . All thanks to the firefighters and SAFD
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  4. ~[Part 1 / Personal information]~(navy)

    Ingame Name: NORI
    Real Name:NORI
    Languages arabic and frensh
    Gender: male
    Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? yes :i got ban when i was newbie .
    Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? No

    ~[Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.]~(navy)

    How long have you been playing MTA? 01 year
    How long have you been playing on SAES? 01 year
    How many hours do you play in a day? 5 - 6 hours in day
    How many times do you visit the forums in a day? all times
    Previous gangs/squads?: FBI
    Are you in any groups?: N/A
    Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:No

    ~[Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications]~(navy)

    Strengths: i can say iam good in driving , shooting, sniping and teamwork
    Weaknesses: fly with heli .
    Describe Deathmatch: mean kill other player with out reason for revenge/enjoy (this not allowed in Rpg sevrer)
    Describe RolePlay: acting like real life and make action for enjoy and more fun
    Describe TeamWork: mean to be helpful and work with your team to stop armed robbery or arresting any suspect. or making RP

    Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]
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    ~[Goodie]~(magenta) still best arrester with 22K

    ~[Part 4 / What to do if.]~(navy)

    What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? take SS and report to Hq if he is in squad or gang if no i will press F1/report to admin.
    What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? asking how he got level wanted and after that i decide if i want bribing or not.
    Someone DMs you: take SS and report to Hq if he is in squad or gang If not report to admin.
    An admin asks you something: sure i will answer .
    Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? responding and listen to the orders.

    ~[Part 5 / Additional Questions.]~(navy)

    Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Sniper
    Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yes with Firas , Sniper , Lucifer
    Where is our private forums?: saesrpg.uk > Territorial Support Group section
    Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: john is the L and Arma is the VL
    Why do you want to join TST?: The Strike Team is strong Squad and old one , i have friends there i wannabe with them and you can say is some change cuz i was in FBI (07 month ago ) and i like TST Role (raiding bases & store robberies )
    Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: well iam loyal and active player , i love do effort and prove my self and i want help and
    learn more about TST.
    Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): i am nori from algeria exactly Oran city i have 22 years ago i'm working on Municipality Library 4 years ago , i love play/watch football and video games and i love make videos about SAES .
    Additional information: N/A

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