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Posts posted by NORI91

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    ~[T]~(green)he ~[M]~(green)otor ~[H]~(green)eads
    Role Play Number: # 322
    Participants: @KARIM

    • Today was a nice day i met my old friend from Bone Conty his name KARIM ( Racer of group TMH)

    • i went to TMH headquarters to spend a beautiful day when we met we remembered the days of childhood when we grew up with each other and studied in school in Los Santos then i told him i want be a racer like you and i hope TMH accepting me he said to me you must demonstrate your skill in driving and races ,.

    • after a long talk we decided to racing from Bone County to Las venturas cuz he want to see my skills, after a short race he found out that i had some skills and he said you have skills you can improve it ,then he received an important call and said he should go i said to him : thanks for the beautiful day and cya soon my bro .
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    @Zei said in The Company | Media Archive:

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    RP Title: Transporting With ThC


    Participents: @MortalSupreme aka [WA]PewD / @Zei / @AnouSa / @NORI999
    A Wild Angels member contaced David from The Company to buy from him some high quality drugs made in The Company laboratries and to put them in the specific adress that the Wild Angels member wanted which is called a drop so David put the Cocain there then PewD go there and take it.
    They had a meet on Bone Country Airport and talked about the deal.

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    when they arrived to the lab it was David's House where he showed the Wild Angels' member the Cocain that he will buy and he even tested it a bit.
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    After David got the order confirmation he told PewD to go chill and that he will deliver the goods alone to avoid suspecions.
    After the confirmation he started putting the COCAIN is several special and he hided the packets in the car's chassis and this didn't even took him 15 minutes.
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    When David was driving from the LAB to the destination he was chilling when a NNB member stoped him to search the vehicle, like anyone he got a bit nervous but he was self confident about his skill in hiding the drugs.
    So the police officer was wearing a NNB suit and was with his dog, He talked to David and ordered him to open the trunk that he searched by his hands and that the dog sniffed searching for drugs and type of these things.The Officier didn't find anything so he asked for his ID that he checked and then
    he let him go.
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    After this little situtation David rejoined his car and felt relieved and drove to the destination where he dropped the drugs and hided the min a small romm so the Wild Angels member can take it too.
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    Roleplay : 18.12.2018
    Participants : @Alperreis , @mrquique, @Rake, @Orten, @Curvy and @NORI999 .

    • Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around LS , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city.

    • We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from LS going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of TugaThugs ,We took a car and went on patrol around LS , An hour later we saw the suspect near base IAC, we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him .

    • now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons.
      Screens by Alper: https://imgur.com/a/HSWovsu.

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    ~[T]~(green)he ~[M]~(green)otor ~[H]~(green)eads
    Role Play Number: 311
    Participants: @XpookS
    STORY: was nice day , when i was driving around LV i wanted to prepare my car for racing so i decided to modify my sabre , i took my phone and i called a mechanic from group TMH , when i went to Bone county (Tmh base) i explained to him what i wanted , He took me to his workshop and i saw the equipment i thought about what i wanted Then I told him i need to change the wheels and add Nitro then he started working , after adjusting i liked what he did then i paid him and i thanked him for his efforts .
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