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Everything posted by Weppo

  1. This is an automated post for: Weppo Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Requested Awards: 3x bonus: 60 points + 10m Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: LS AP Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: BC AP Vehicle Type: Stratum police Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: LV PD Vehicle Type: FBI Rancher Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: LV PD Vehicle Type: Stratum police Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: SF mint Vehicle Type: FBI Rancher Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: ghostpro222 Where you want it placed: FBI base For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  2. Activity CR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @M8N @tabriz Date: 24.11.23 Screenshots:
  3. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @NORI91 @Stroke Date: 20.11.23 Screenshots:
  4. Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? idk ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: shamal Location: LV AP + spawn Username: ghostpro222
  5. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @thunderwing @Final @Denev @exyaklik @Shikomaru Date: 19.11.23 Screenshots:
  6. Activity Type: SR+VIP FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @thunderwing @Shikomaru Date: 19.11.23 Screenshots:
  7. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @NORI91 @Snorpy Date: 12.11.23 Screenshots
  8. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @NORI91 @Ryns @FoxyGodwin Date: 11.11.23 Screenshots:
  9. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @thunderwing @Troyano Date: 11.11.23 Screenshots:
  10. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Breezy @Mistigun Date: 09.11.23 Screenshots:
  11. or you bind /loc like all other crims, the person you are looking for is spawned as "Money Transporter"
  12. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Yukii@Stroke @Russell @thunderwing @IyedBkj Date: 29/10/2023 Screenshots:
  13. I'm unsure if mta has added it already or if it is still in the works right now. But they were working on it being possible to add new vehicle id's rather than replacing existing models. I'll try to find it. Edit: couldn't find it, if it exists tut would know. I did find a mod which claims it does this which was made with help from mta devs.
  14. After doing some events with SS and BRINKS I stand by my point of the truck requiring more health. While it is very much possible to shoot people out of the truck from the front (all guns) or from the sides and back (with sniper) the truck gets destroyed far too quickly. As this activity does not benefit either side when its destroyed it wouldnt hurt to simply give it 5x or 10x the amount of health. With it having 4x - 8x more health if/when v8 AWD is added. (more health = slower speed) Finding trucks Wheter or not a top notification should be added is beside my point of this suggestion, but it could look like this if it was up to me "A money truck has been loaded up at LV Bank" A full on blip is not required, when crims want to they can find the transport very easily. As all money transport drivers spawns can be located with /loc
  15. I would not use it more if it was a reshader of the same vehicle with the same behaviour. Although the vehicle might have different charackteristics, all police vehicles are very capable of ramming, I wouldn't say that this one would be better at ramming myself. I am curious what the top speed of this vehicle is compared to FBI Rancher, as FBI rancher has a very powerfull ram.
  16. which would be solved by adding more health to it. For everyones information, the truck doesnt have any windows, you can shoot through them with any gun from at least the front
  17. I agree with @Rieeria. A notification in the top bar once a delivery has been picked up should be more then enough. It’s not hard to know bank locations.
  18. First time hearing the word balancing for you I assume. Played so much criminal that you forgot there are more people playing the server? Money transport has 1-3 people defending it at the most. There are barely pickup points, you can also learn the bank locations and find the trucks. This isn't a regular vip mission where criminals have to know the location 24/7. I'm coming half way on your suggestion, no reason to act like a total buffoon.
  19. Maybe if it has blip appeared every 30sec. Otherwise it might be too hard to defend with only a few cops vs the amount of crims who will attend when its always visable.
  20. Money Transport is lacking criminal activity as it has resulted in a lot of bans in the past. Mainly because criminals blew up the truck rather than stealing it. The windows on the truck are non-existant so the driver can get shot out fairly easy. But most of the time the truck gets destroyed before the driver has been killed. My suggestion: Increase the health of the truck so it's less likely to be destroyed by attacking criminals. 2nd suggestion: add a 2nd and 3th dropoff location for criminals, as cops are camping the criminal dropoff whenever the truck is stolen. @NanoBob
  21. this would require a full rewrite of the housing script which will take away attention to other suggestions for a long long time. So my question to you is if you think its worth giving up all other suggestions for months or years so you can collect a few thousend dollars a day.
  22. Title: Skyscraper safehouse Construction number: #18 Number of objects: 388 Date: 14/1/02023 Description: A safehouse for VIPs **Code:** NA Videos/Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HZZzCpj
  23. Activity Type: BB BR and Bayside BR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @M8N @Klay Date: 14/10/2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OirkK96
  24. Title: LVx Temple construction Construction number: #17 Number of objects: around 500 Date: 24/08/2023 Description: A temple structure, the version in the screenshots includes various artworks and a closed interior for VIP's in the middle. The temple is protected against cars and planes entering. The entrance and inside is secured by CCTVs and a metaldetector. **Code:** NA Videos/Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uXjLq7U
  25. Title: Las Venturas Border Construction number: #16 Number of objects: NA Date: 21/08/2023 Description: Border with tolls from LS to LV, build for myself but donated to SAI on request. **Code:** https://pastebin.com/1YmN4bYK Videos/Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JtJLoJP
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