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Weppo last won the day on November 4 2024

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About Weppo

  • Birthday November 17

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Community Answers

  1. Activity Type: PBR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @batiha Date: 20/03/2025 Screenshots:
  2. My opinion would be that they already allow individuals to own 20+ wraps at the same time. So having 20 wraps for public use should be fine too (assuming rancher + crown vic + buffalo + sultan x5 variants for cities and 2 districts) assuming they couldn't share the same wrap. But a the devs and hq would have to decide that not me. Nevertheless this is where my part in this discussion ends. I think I've added enough of my opinion
  3. yea I didn't like how "Police San Andreas Department" was the text order so the next one is better overall. my personal opinion would be to include the emergency numbers on the back, and parhaps the inclusion of the city logo's. And sherrifs for county police. Green for the green county and desert tan for desert county. https://imgur.com/a/F3nGs2q the imgur shows police cars for each real life city police department. 1st San Fransico with their SFPD logo in blue 2nd Las Vegas PD with their badge showing the city skyline (the sketch picture is blurry, sharper pictures can be found on google) 3rd Los Angales PD showing the circle with the city flag 4th and 5th sherrif cars green and brown
  4. @DeeRoseTH are you still interested in joining ZIP?
  5. @5riminaLLLL are you still interested in joining ZIP?
  6. user is part of the admin team Versace - kinggamer
  7. sorted 1/2
  8. - Money transporter vehicles take significantly less damage as per 19/02/2024 a fix for trucks losing health by themselves is in the works by NanoBob My final recommendation would be to imploment a topbar notification for criminals or SoA (if interested) on when BRINKS have picked up money and at which bank. all suggestions about ways to revive it for criminals have been denied last time. Further requests from me will be on discord in GM chat. This reply can be marked as the awnser to this topic and the suggestion can be archived @Yoko
  9. Activity Type: BR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @snoopys @yurei @Oscar @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Date: 24/02/2025 Screenshots:
  10. Activity Type: JB FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @snoopys @Mootje Date: 24/02/2025 Screenshots:
  11. Date: 23/02/2025 Participants: @Weppo Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  12. Date: 23/02/2025 Participants: @Weppo Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  13. Date: 23/02/2025 Participants: @Weppo Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
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