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Everything posted by iGoogle

  1. Address: The Gay Hamster Store Account name: donna Last seen: 27th august 2020 Screenshots: link text
  2. Address: Las Colinas 42 Account name: rezende34a Last seen: 28th december 2020 Screenshots: link text
  3. Your ingame username: igoogle Your ingame alias: iGoogle Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Finnish Country of residence: Finland How long you have been playing SAES: I have been played SAES since 2010 to 2012, then I went inactive. Now I have been active since november 2020. Qualities you can offer: Qualities I can offer is my age, some knowledge of scripting, and somehow knowledge of computers in all way. I had own finnish freeroam server a couple months in 2012, so I know about being an admin, how to add files in server, and how annoying it is that people asks continuously "please, can I be admin?" I also learn things quick. Your weaknesses: I think my weaknesses is that I have much to do irl, so I'm not online many hours on day. Sometimes I have much more time to play, sometimes I can't come ingame in whole day. Thats what it is when you have family. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: Reason for my application to CS is that I want to help people ingame, and I like it. Also I can lead some things, I like to be a leader. Also I want to help everyone of you to make the server all the way better, as much as I can help on it. Server Memberships: Im old member of LWS, ZIP, and DE. Also I'm old Vice Leader of Hell Soldiers. Currently I don't belong on any of those groups, because of my inactivity. Nowadays I'm in Medellin's gang. Additional information: I'm Miikka, 24 years old male from Finland. I have wife, 2 kids and own taxi business. My hobbies is fishing and boating, and driving taxi, if it can be counted as a hobby. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Here can be some adminjails back from old times, I don't remember. Previous (legitimate) bans: None.
  4. Address:Dariichs Rekt House Account name: skyteo Last seen: 24th november 2020 Screenshots: screen
  5. Can archived, someone did it first
  6. Address:Peruvians cocaine lab Account name: javexy Last seen:29th november 2020 Screenshots: link text link text
  7. Edited. @Daryl
  8. Address:Las Colinas 33 Account name:libertino Last seen:4 august 2020 Screenshots: Screen1 Screen2
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9W685176CM128105N Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: *Money and vehicle. * Vehicle Type: Landstalker (that mb SUV) Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: if possible, v8, and nitros. (4x4 is equipped by standard?) Usernames to lock: igoogle (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: Las Colinas 33 (my property) Can you locate it on to this place, to as smooth position as possible : For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. Dear Saes Community, I want to leave suggestion to add/replace one of robber skins. And yes, you can quess from the title, what skin do i mean. Its skin from Money Heist, Casa De Papel. Guys in red suit with masks, tv series seen in netflix. Think about a bank robbery, or that suggestion about casino robbery, full of guys with money heist skin that scares polices out of mind, maybe with nametags of different cities of world. Thats one way to play maybe not so realistic roleplay, but roleplay that almost everyone of us knows, who haves netflix. Heres more about tv series, if you havent seen it before. Money Heist Link to skin: Skin Thanks for getting chance to suggest ideas. Merry christmas for everyone! -iGoogle, member of Hell Soldiers.
  11. Address: 6 River Street Account name: licano Last seen: 18th october 2020 Screenshots:
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