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Everything posted by skyliner

  1. S.W.A.T Activity: Patrol Date: 26.12.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. S.W.A.T Activity: LS BR Date: 29.11.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. S.W.A.T Activity: Patrol Date: 29.11.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. :police_officer: I. Personal Info :arrow_forward: In-game Name: Skyliner :arrow_forward: Username / Account-name: skyliner :arrow_forward: Age: 21 :arrow_forward: Gender: Male :arrow_forward: Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): C1 to maybe B2 (My English level was not rated this is a person estimate) :arrow_forward: Nationality: Croatian :arrow_forward: Languages Spoken: Croatian, English, German :arrow_forward: Average Ping: 27-30 :arrow_forward: Average FPS: Max 60 :arrow_forward: Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is Adrian and i lived mainly in Croatia for a large period of my life (18 years). The last 3 years of my life i have spent my time living in Germany as a worker for a known Warehouse company. My main interests would definitely be playing video games, watching football (mainly Spanish league or the Champions League). I am also very much into cars, partying and drinking. :police_officer: II. In-Game Experience :arrow_forward: When did you join the server: I think the first time ever should be 2012. (I remember playing on my poor laptop for the first time driving around as an mechanic) :arrow_forward: How much do you play each day: Recently came back to the game so I'm for sure willing to put in an hour or two per day minimum. :arrow_forward: Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA and FOX :arrow_forward: Name the reason(s) for leaving: Fox got stale after a bit of time since i joined when it was being still developed. SAPA was great for me i would actually love to still be SAPA but its unfortunate that it disbanded. Being an instructor gave me a lot of pleasure. :arrow_forward: Current group memberships: None as far as i remember :arrow_forward: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Sure i would be willing to do it. :arrow_forward: Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I) think i got admin jailed once. :arrow_forward: Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Not sure since it was a long time ago but it has to be either arguing with an admin or DM. :police_officer: III. Personal skills and knowledge :warning: Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. :arrow_forward: Your strengths: I would say i am able to stay focused for a long of period of time. I am a really competitive person so if i cant manage to do something on my first attempt i keep trying for several times again until i eventually master the thing I'm trying to get. I would say that my driving ability in the game is pretty good and i have a good memory of the map (very iconic game for me). I am a very good listener to the commands and orders given. Also one quality that i posses is that i am a really fast learner. :arrow_forward: Your weaknesses: I would probably say that i am a stubborn person in certain areas especially where i think I am good at. This is probably the biggest one i can say really otherwise i can't really think of another one that would be a deal breaker. :arrow_forward: Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Since SAPA broke down I have watched other Squads for a bit of time eyeing an opportunity to join one. There are a lot of options but for me personally SWAT seems like the best option due to the quality of SWAT and also the fact that a lot of ex SAPA members are currently inside of SWAT. Just by looking through the roster i can see so many names that i remember from my stint with SAPA (iStar, LB, Wolkodav, ItsMe, Estinoge, Geri just to name a few). :arrow_forward: Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: As i already said in my strengths i think i am more then capable of being a SWAT member and i am really confident into getting into the role of a SWAT member. Considering all the training i have been given in SAPA with a lot of amazing instructors like Angelo and Royalty (in my time when i was a cadet), and then the training i had the opportunity to give to other cadets and help many people get their PC diploma and put them into the ranks of having a chance to join other Squads more easy. I think in my time as a SAPA member i managed to grow way more as an person especially in the maturity department. Even though that does sound maybe weird i feel like the structure of SAPA in my cadet days made it look like quite a structured unit for people to learn and grow as police officers. :arrow_forward: Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): At 5:30 PM the 911 dispatcher receives an anonymous tip about a person of interest who was the day earlier in a police chase and narrowly managed to escape it. The dispatcher managed to get the address of the suspect where he is currently laying low. The dispatcher passes the information down into the police station and officers are scrambling and getting ready eager to capture the suspect this time. At 6:05 PM the officers arrive at the given address given by the anonymous caller. The house seems pretty quiet and there are some small signs of activity inside the building. They slowly go towards the main entrance of the house and knock on the door. While knocking on the door they announce themselves as the police but all they are met with is silence. They knock on the door a bit more and announce their presence again but this time movement in the house can be heard. Officer unsure what to do attempt to open the door on the knob but the door is locked. After waiting briefly at the door a shotgun gunshot rings through the wooden door and then officers scramble back to the safety of their vehicles. At 06:10 PM after the things have calmed down the police have asked for backup and called in a negotiator to see what does the suspect want since they can't really manage to breach the house on their own. After the negotiator talked with the suspect he has set pretty straight ground rules. He simply said he had a hostage and the only way he was letting the hostage go way that he is let free from the building to continue his spree of fleeing from the police otherwise he would have no remorse shooting the hostage. Given what the negotiator got out of the suspect he had no choice but to call in the SWAT division to attempt to either apprehend or neutralize the suspect. The negotiator keeps on buying time until SWAT arrive. At 06:25 PM SWAT arrives on the scene preparing a strategy how will they get to the suspect and either neutralize him or arrest him. They have a couple of options of entry into the house. The house has an roof window that they can enter as an option and there is also a back door that they can use. With SWAT equipment they could easily rush the suspect from multiple angles and subdue him with their skill and tactics. As the suspect is currently sitting with the hostage in the living room given the info from SWAT Sierra Sniper Team the commander has decided that it is the best idea to just straight up rush the suspect though multiple entrances and with flashbangs and teargas subdue him for a clean arrest. The SWAT team of 6 members split up into 3 group with the codenames Red, Blue and Gold. At 06:30 PM they are ready to go for the breach. Blue squad is on the back entrance, red squad is close to the front door ready to breach since the living room is right next to the entrance, and Gold squad is prepping for quiet sneak into the attic from the roof window. Gold squad enters first very quietly so they can get into a good position. By entering the attic they have managed to sneak past into the house without the suspect noticing a thing. Gold squad slowly moves from the attic to the stairs and they are almost in sight of the suspect. Blue squad lockpicks the back door and slowly enters into the kitchen undetected and are ready to breach the living room. With all 3 squads ready to breach and clear with flashbangs and teargas Red and Blue squad are waiting for the signal from Gold squad. After Gold squad hesitates for a couple of seconds they give the go sign and all 3 squads breach and clear into the living room with first teargas and then flashbangs. The suspect did not know what hit him and finally they managed to capture him after he was on the run for almost 24 hours. At 06:33 PM the suspect is taken out of the building and taken into the police station on several charges. As per usual the SWAT division ends another successful without any casualties suffered. Another successful mission in the books of the SWAT team.
  5. This is a manual post TXN ID: 20436975502870646 Donation Amount: 10 GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Vehicle Type: Police Bravado Vehicle Colour: Black and White (standard police vinyl) Specify any upgrades: Classic as the standard vehicle Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users): skyliner Where you want it placed: Las Venturas Police Station
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