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Everything posted by Yukii

  1. ^[] Event Type: Chicken Nader Organiser(s): @Aveyro Prize(s): 1 Million Winner(s): @BOB ScreenShot(s): [s=ScreenShots]
  2. Assisting Royal Flush BR : (24/07/2022)
  3. @Barnes said in [Suggestion] Add a bank to Whetstone!: @Dinaz maybe move a group here and open a big base instead of benefiting criminals straight away. whats the point of putting a base in empty place we did not doing anything we are want more fun bro its not related to crims only you said 'instead of benefiting criminals' cops are rekting every br nowadays its a big benefit for them bro regardless of the criminal benefit too, more banks more fun and country will be active and etccc you said move a group here and open big base ok we put any group like SaS example what will we do instead of standing afk there even if you put big group base there will be only for afk so we put bank and start making it betterring one by one
  4. Strop trollying mistar fools @Xpooks @Blue @Silikondy
  5. @XpooKs said in [Suggestion] Add a bank to Whetstone!: Maybe something else instead of a bank to make it unique, a house robbery maybe with 3 or 4 cracking safes / could be a house or a motel or whatever I just gave an example Bro what robbery or house we added casino robbery to somehow and lets say that we put something new or cops and so etcc but last CR was week ago lol for many things and squads numbers and crack hard just let it a bank as every gang want to br and a more bank will be good as gangs fights all time for banks and building is rdy just we want same bank tr/bc no maaping and make it fast
  6. SR : (16/07/2022) SR : (17/07/2022) SR : (17/07/2022)
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30264/donation-point-balance-fatroucha?_=1641736921416 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : April 2022 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Infernus Location: GT BASE Username: AHhh Vehicle 2 : Kart Location: GT BASE Username: AHhh ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Startum Shader ( Wrap ) N/A Location: ''5 Seaview Road'' Property Of mine Username: AHhh Vehicle 2: Infernus Shader ( Wrap ) N/A Location: Water Sports Shop Username: AHhh
  8. @Kruger See? I was telling the truth You want to deny that by these cry?
  9. @Flex If you don't like the way I talk, you should listen to it and be silent to it.
  10. @Flex It is my opinion like it or not doesn't matter The point is reading it or getting what I meaned from it , and u made vote let people vote and do it stfu pls.
  11. Can you stop crying and suffering once you fail to do your job as a cop in-game? Squads have been crying for City banks, and HLS has come to rekt it ( cops with armors ) With CLOs at SF/LV banks, and EZ 8/8, you added a marker behind their defending area. People always defend outside the bank to help the gang robbing get it a success, you added only ppl who are robbing to defend outside. Now Mr. Flex, while being a SWAT, in addition to the base, which is in the front of LS bank, you are always raiding LS bank ofc on feet or random vehicles, why would you spawn at hosp and ur base is so close. You're getting rekt by the defenders who are defending outside, you do not succeed in entering the vending machine which is in the front of LS bank, to buy some drugs, and you find yourself killed. So ur point is to buy energy drinks from your headquarters in advance, so you easily get into the Bank with an NRG or something, without any damage from the outside defenders. What is their job then? Won't it be unfair for these people? Something else, can you tell me what's the point of putting a vending machine on CDC base for example? To watch it only? What can we do with it lmao Stop crying and play your game. I want to say I am not swearing, ugliness, or anything toxic. I just said my opinion, forgive me, it's over the top, utters the stone. We don't necessarily need to take things away from criminal gameplay in order to enrich cop gameplay please do not forget that.
  12. @niceez
  13. deleted..
  14. ^[] ^[]
  15. ^[] ^[] @Blue @Rondaw
  16. ^[SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION] Nickname: 157|Fatroucha Username: AHhh Nationality: Tunisia exactly in Sousse Age: 16 ^[&SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION] Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: no! Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): Medellin Cartel : Some issues due to some fights with members. Ghost triad : A bit died organization tbh, I decided totry anything else. Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Nobody. Why shall we consider accepting you?: Well, as everyone knows that i was so active recently, in this case i have learned a lot and a lot of things which helps me to improve myself more and more and gain enough experience to fulfil for what i'm looking for to be a CDC member, also i know all the rules so i am trying to follow em because breaking em will not only harm me but it'll harm the gang too. How will you be benefiting CDC: As i said earlier that i'm an active, skilled player, tbh i haven't been loyal lately but i promise to be, most of you guys already knew me that i was ex CDC member which you guys can make sure about my flexibility, so i believe i have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role. PS: I wanted to apologize to every member of the gang I've offended him earlier (in the past) ,I hope you give me last chance. Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler):[s=][/s]
  17. 3id miledon sa3idon 3ami proton :hype: <3
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