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Everything posted by Yukii

  1. Date: 22/04/2024 Event Type: Lucky Nade LWS Host: @Thunder Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @chico Screenshots:
  2. Date: 20/04/2024 Activity: Stopping LS BR Participants: @Dinaz @Yukii @flappy @LightSide @Rasta @Strong @JukyPlatinium Screenshots:
  3. Date: 20/04/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Dinaz @Yukii @flappy @PsyGhost @Rieeria @LightSide Screenshots:
  4. Date: 19/04/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Dinaz @Yukii @nulgath Screenshots:
  5. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 19/04/24. Participants: @Yukii Duration: 18mins Screenshot:
  6. Date: 18/04/2024 Activity: Stopping Public BR (SF) Participants: @Dinaz @Yukii @BusterMcBadass @nulgath @Sou @Flex @Pacioli Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 18/04/24. Participants: @Yukii Duration: 20mins Screenshot:
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 15/04/24. Participants: @Yukii Duration: 15mins Screenshot:
  9. Date: 15/04/2024 Activity: Stopping BB Bank Participants: @Dinaz @Skes @BusterMcBadass @nulgath Screenshots:
  10. Date: 14/04/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Yukii @Pacioli @nulgath Screenshots:
  11. PART I: Introduction Nickname: ahhh Account name: Yuki Age: 17 In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: I'm a 17-year-old student studying economics and staying fit by hitting the gym regularly. Alongside my studies, I've developed qualities that align well with the responsibilities of a Pro Cop. My commitment to honesty and accountability is evident in my consistent academic performance and respectful interactions with others. I'm skilled in communication, often leading discussions and working effectively in teams. When faced with challenges, I approach them with a proactive mindset, finding innovative solutions. I adapt easily to new environments and situations, reflecting my ability to thrive in diverse settings. With a history of leadership and a willingness to learn, I believe I can positively contribute to the Pro Cop team and uphold the values of the San Andreas Police Department. PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds?: Yes Current Squad: SWAT Approximate date of joining: 3/12/2023 Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: Not applicable Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed?: No Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when?: Yes, I was banned 2 years ago for insulting an admin in mainchat. PART III : Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic?: Yes , I do What are the rules for the Dog spawn?: - The police dog must always have a handle­r to escort them. - When you are­ playing as a police dog, you need to act and be­have accordingly to that role. - You are not allowe­d to arrest anyone. - You must stay with your handler at all time­s, no matter the circumstances, and liste­n carefully to their orders. Do not act inde­pendently. - While playing as a police­ dog, you cannot use the radio. You can only communicate through private­ channels like party chat or command chat, as you are not a human playe­r. Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule 4: Whe­n you start chasing someone, don't just try to arrest the­m. Give them a chance to surre­nder. Offer this; it reduce­s jail time by 75%. Use proper binds in e­ach situation. Rule 5: When going after a suspect, don't immediately resort to shooting. Take it slow because people might miss messages. Give arrest commands step by step, allowing time for them to be read. Whether it's a roleplay or a real chase, proceed with caution. Give suspects a chance to understand what's going on and cooperate. Shooting quickly without warning can lead to confusion. Patience and clear communication are important. Rule 8: To avoid issues with ProCop, you must sign up when joining. It's a game, so mistakes can happen. Signing up ensures proof if any errors occur or if you're unexpectedly removed from the panel. Skipping this step risks being kicked out. Also, once signed up, you can't edit your details as it's considered fraud. PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: The "/me" command improves your roleplaying by allowing you to describe your character's actions and emotions. You use "/me" to demonstrate what your character is doing or feeling. For instance: "/me pulls out a pencil. Writing the ticket. /me walks toward the car's trunk and grabs a car lifter. Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: Using the /do command. It allows you to describe the surroundings and situations your character faces. For example, "/do Would the citizen cooperate and show their papers?" or "/do I find illegal goods stashed in the trunk?" Using /do adds depth and detail, enhancing your roleplaying experience. Final Confirmation: [Yuki], swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application, I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally, and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department. I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, [Yuki]
  12. Date: 14/04/2024 Activity: VIP Participants: @Yukii @Pacioli @flappy Screenshots:
  13. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 12/04/24. Participants: @Yukii Duration: 13mins Screenshot:
  14. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 11/04/24. Participants: @Yukii Duration: 14mins Screenshot:
  15. Date: 10/04/2024 Activity: Responding for LV BR Participants: @Rieeria @Skes @LightSide Screenshots:
  16. Date: 06/04/2024 Activity: Stopping Mall Robbery Participants: @Yukii @PsyGhost @Rieeria Screenshots:
  17. delete it
  18. Date: 27/03/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Yukii @LightSide @niceez Screenshots:
  19. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30264/donation-point-balance-fatroucha?_=1641736921416 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : 2 November 2023 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: NRG-500 Location: My old prop ( electronic shop ) Username : ahhh Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 Location: My prop : Luxury Flat Apartment #4 Username: ahhh
  20. Date: 23/03/2024 Activity: Stopping LV BR Participants: @Yukii @Winter_Soldier @flappy Screenshots:
  21. Date: 23/03/2024 Activity: Stopping RC BR Participants: @Yukii @nulgath @Enemy44 Screenshots:
  22. Address: 2 Ballsack Grove Account name: adamman00 Last seen: 19 January 2024 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/gallery/3aMCD8y
  23. $50.000.000
  24. Address: Cdc Drugs Den Account name: yassine09 Last seen: 13 October 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/SeAsQZH
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