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Everything posted by Berker

  1. I should add this, thanks for wasting my 1.8k hours bitches
  2. yo Im retired. selling my DE and HLS spawn for 50m, you can achieve the spawns after you pay 50m to any NNB member.
  3. is leprechaun meat halal? @Joe
  4. liar I just saw you ingame
  5. What about just going back to old system, its not realistic when a store gets robbed by ghosts. Instead of this system maybe robbable store pops on criminal's map so they go there and rob that store.
  6. Dear @FastYounq We would like to thank you for your application and interest in NNB, your application has been reviewed by the NNB Executive Team. After a long discussion, we managed to agree on your final answer which unfortunately isn't positive as your application has been ~[DECLINED]~(red). We don't see you staying long in NNB due to your impatience and the current state of your SAES reputation among other players. If you think that we've made the wrong decision we give you the chance to prove yourself by re-applying in 2 weeks. If you have any questions you can contact @Mootje On behalf of the Executive Team, Berker - Executive Support Staff
  7. Looks like economy reset incoming
  8. Address: Botanica Carlos Miguel 2 Shop (Whetstone near donut shop) Account name: monstercookie12 Last seen: 30th March 2019 Screenshots: ::: Alternate link :::
  9. Address: Trailer Where Brophy Hides (Tierra Robada North) Account name: hiddeneye Last seen: 25th January 2019 Screenshots: ::: Alternate link :::
  10. @Silence ::: I censored names because those people may get harassed or kicked. Anyways click! ::: Well, atleast people don't leave us because of random invites. :relaxed:
  11. @ferthis my bad I just understood it as a threat
  12. @DROT said in Guard dogs for criminals: It seems fair for criminals to at least fill out a simple forum based application. Maybe an organisation like mysterious continental organisation in John Wick movie which is an associated frame for every gangs can be created and led by SAES clan. Basicly just an organisation which could be a response to SAPD.
  13. The problem, as @Ghost722nd said couple days ago in game, scripts creating money when you earn money from specific jobs, like trucking. So jobs like that already bringing money to circulation. That is why money is worthless than ever. this problem should be fixed and also economy should be reseted to fix the economy faster.
  14. Today is his birthday fellas ! Happy birthday :birthday: @Alperreis @Alperreis @Alperreis
  15. @Tut-Greco said in Guard dogs for criminals: ive seen some millionaires irl owning tigers... could add a tiger instead, how about that sir I completely agree with Tut. fuck the dogs, give us tigers! @Spicey said in Guard dogs for criminals: SWAT and other squads are coming at the criminals 1v5 and etc and she want and dogs??? WTF. Someone translate it pls
  16. Hello people, this must be the first time a police suggesting something for criminals. I just saw a bug report for police dogs and this idea popped up in my mind. Why criminals don't have scary hound spawns? which is unable to arrest (and maybe unable to taze). I know that police side having problems with activity and this may give an advantage to criminals however as a cop, I would enjoy trying to kill a dog and arrest its owner. I think this fits in real life. They should have the same ability that police dogs have, running fast and slowing people down. (if Drot's suggestion gets approved it will be changed to tazing effect). I bet you guys would enjoy it a lot in turfs. And there should be strict rules like we have for police dogs. Also only few qualified people must be allowed to spawn because we may face with 30 dogs and 1 handler chasing cops. Plus they should not be allowed in robberies / jail breaks. I would like to hear your thoughts about this.
  17. As a representetive member of National Narcotics Bureau, We do not support selling / using drugs. cough nice idea ! cough
  18. @Tut-Greco There is a bug, I spawned as police dog and tried each vehicle in the PD garage with my partner. However every freaking vehicle ejects the dog out.
  19. Also there should be changes with rules, like handlers must be allowed to spawn as squad member.
  20. @Jukee said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: Section I: General Information In-game name: Juke Account name: Surmso Real name: Tamme van der Weide Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Dear applicant I should admit that your application is decent. However we have never seen you spending time / patrolling with NNB members. Therefore we think that you lost your interest or you are inactive. Unfortunately your application has been ~[DECLINED]~(red,red,red). If you are still interested in joining us you may re-apply in 2 weeks.
  21. @Richard said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: Section I: General Information In-game name: I'm known as Richard Account name: My account name is richardthekiller Real name: I'm known as Mert in real life Dear Applicant, Your application has been reviewed by the NNB Executive Team, and a decision has been made. I'm glad to announce that your application has been ~[APPROVED]~(lime). Find a member of the Executive team ingame to receive your tests.
  22. @Richard said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: Section I: General Information In-game name: I'm known as Richard Account name: My account name is richardthekiller Real name: I'm known as Mert in real life Hello there dear applicant @Richard, we already put into words that NNB Executive team appreciate your efforts and behaviour and we still do. We can see you are doing what we have asked for, After a long discussion within NNB Executive team we have decided to give you a ~[PENDING]~(gray). keep showing up meanwhile we give you the final answer.
  23. Last time I checked, Westerns was burning their women for witchcraft in medieval age. So lets don't talk about who is the retard here... Anyways I think it was fun, burning all armenians, I wish I was there.
  24. National Narcotics Bureau Event - 16.03.2019 Event Type: M4 LMS Prize: $3,000,000 Winner: Dexter ( @Dexter ) Helper (LWS/G6): [NNB]Stay ( @Stay ) Location: 2nd Dimension, Event zone which is located between LS and LV, poises in air. Description: LWS helper and hoster ( @Venom ) timed out before taking screenshot and sending the winner's prize, so I had to call the winner back and pay his money in a place which represents the event zone. Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/lwjU3y2
  25. As we all know, panels like; bribe panel, disc, guns / drugs panels can be controlled only by mouse and it is annoying me because I usually can't find the ugly ass MTA mouse cursor and it takes time. Also sometimes I am clicking on wrong sections, for example bribing for 6 stars instead of 5 and etc. So I wanted to suggest adding arrow keys, "Enter" key and "TAB" key to panel controls. It would make it much more easier to control and would make it faster. I hope more people are aware of this issue and I hope they will support me.
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