@others events in old forum (archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/90422-qiezzs-lws-events/?page=1) Hello everyone! Hi, my name is Petro, 19 years old.. Im From Ukraine.I 'm started my career in saes since 2013-2014. I'm like hosting events and create new . This is my LWS Events topic and here I will post all my events. myEvent Format: Event #(Number) Type of event: Prize: Helper(s): Winner(s): Screenshots: -=(red)*=- - new events about my new events ::: Derby-Fallout - Lms , where people knock each other into the water, the last is winner. Dodo-Fallout - I'm fly on the dodo and knock people off the roof, who's the last one to win. Runner vs Cars (GTA 5) - I'm standing on top, participants try to knock me out on the car. Nadeball - You must get into the ring with a grenade. Defend yourself a grenade - You must use a weapon to repel the grenade that the hoster throws at you. Parkour-Shooter - LWS, Hoster shoot you with a helicopter (Hunter) when you pass the parkour. Your goal is to go through the parkour, surviving. Escape from the Dodo - I with the assistant [lws/g6] should bring down people who go on motorcycles, who the last will survive - the winner. 1v1 Car Duel - after the countdown, your task is to push the enemy into the water, I call the players one by one. Last - winner.[video] Kick QieZZ down with NRG - LWS give the participants nrg, they need to kick me at down. Q1eZZ vs Cars - im running, and particants try ram me, who kill me with use car - winner . Smash The Glasses - pretty easy event, people have to run to the finish but there were many glasses placed on the way, so first the participants had to smash it to be event able to move, they used m4. CarSumo - like 1vs1 derby with modded cars on AIR. ::: myTypes of my events: Chicken Shooter [7] Chicken Nader [7] Hydra Shooter [3] Last Man Standing [16] Knock me from my nrg [7] Parkour [2] Deagle Tournament [3] Derby-Fallout [2] ~[*]~(red) Dodo Fallout [3] ~[*]~(red) Rhino Shooter [1] Runner vs Cars [1] ~[*]~(red) TDM [5] 1v1 Air Boxing [1] Nadeball [3] ~[*]~(red) Defend yourself a grenade [1] ~[*]~(red) Parkour-Shooter [1] ~[*]~(red) Escape from the Dodo [1] ~[*]~(red) 1v1 Car Duel [3] * Hydra Race [1] Hydra 1v1 Duel [1] Derby Area [1] Nade Tennis [3] NRG Race [1] Maze [2] Kick QieZZ with NRG at down[2] ~[*]~(red) Race [1] Q1eZZ vs Cars [1] ~[*]~(red) Starwars LMS [1] ~[*]~(red) RC Baron Massacre (fallout) [1] ~[*]~(red) Arrest me at Jeff Motel [1] Sanchez Race [1] ~[*]~(red) Smash The Glasses [1] ~[*]~(red) Reach The Roses [1] Running [3] Rhino LMS [1] Fallout [2] First one to warp [2] Fall Guys [1] Last Bike Standing [1] ~[*]~(red) PUBG 40.Car SUMO Hide n Seek ~[myTotal Events:]~(green) ~[93]~(lime) ~[myMoney Spent:]~(green) ~[177.000.000$]~(lime,lime)=- QieZZ ZZZZZ