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Everything posted by QieZZ

  1. Date 2022-03-29 Kind of event: team vs team (5vs5) Prize: 2.000.000 Winner: @YankaTa @Khaled thc ssss @Crank Screenshots: [s=teamvsteam][/s]
  2. event #85 Kind of event: teamvsteam 5vs5 Prize: 2.000.000$ (500k/4) helper: @Judyes Winner: @YankaTa @Khaled thc|ssss @Crank Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Activity: VIP'S, SR'S Date: 29.03.2022 Screenshots: [s=VIP][/s] [s=SR 1-3][/s]
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 96E50101JW797632V Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31533/donation-point-balance-qiezz-zzzz Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below username: pete2011 Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  5. Activity: SR'S Date: 29.03.2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. event #84 Kind of event: LMS only m4&uzi Prize: 1.000.000$ (500k each round) helper: @FoxZilla Winner: @BurakO Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. Date 2022-03-28 Kind of event: LMS only m4&uzi Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @BurakO Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. event #83 Kind of event: first one to warp Prize: 1.000.000$ (500k each round) helper: @Curny Winner: @Omar @Bisollini Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  9. Date 2022-03-27 Kind of event: first one to warp :) Prize: 1.000.000$ (500k each round) Winner: @Omar @Bisollini Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. RP 12 Date: 27/03/2022 Participants: @QieZZ @Lekss @Linkan @Fall-en others: cop, arms dealer Story: On a beautiful Sunday, the LE guys and I decided to rob a gun store. [s=][/s] in consultation with Leks, we took the van and drove to Los Santos Ammo Store [s=][/s] we killed the dealer, but the other one managed to call the cops, we didn't have much time... [s=][/s] and we began quickly loading ammunition [s=][/s] and weapons into the van [s=][/s] a police car came, and we started to drive away from them! [s=][/s] on the road, the cop almost knocked over our van [s=][/s] and we had to kill him. [s=][/s] We successfully drove to the warehouse and unloaded the weapons and ammo. [s=][/s]
  11. Activity: assist BB BR LS // VIP Date: 27.03.2022 Screenshots: [s=BR][/s] [s=VIP][/s]
  12. Activity: SRs , JB, VIP Date: 27.03.2022 Screenshots: [s=JB 1-2][/s] [s=SR][/s] [s=VIP][/s]
  13. event #82 Kind of event: LMS jeff motel Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Dufabo Screenshots: [s=Event][/s]
  14. Date 2022-03-27 Kind of event: LMS jeff motel Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Dufabo Screenshots: [s=Event][/s]
  15. Activity: SR's, JB, VIP Date: 2022-03-26 Screenshots: [s=SR 1-2][/s] [s=JB][/s] [s=VIP][/s]
  16. Date 2022/05/03 Kind of event: Face2Face Nade LMS Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: chtougrech Screenshots: [s=]
  17. event #81 Kind of event: Face2Face LMS Prize: 1.000.000$ helper: @Aveyro Winner: chtougrech Screenshots: [s=]
  18. Activity: SR's , JB Date: 2022-03-25 Screenshots: SR[s=][/s] JB[s=][/s]
  19. event ~[#80]~(lime,lime) Kind of event: Destruction Derby Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: mr big Screenshots: [s=]
  20. Date 2022/05/03 Kind of event: Destruction Derby Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: mr big Screenshots: [s=]
  21. Address:Flat block e Account name: adem50 Last seen: 16 th november 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  22. Address:10 Bulgarian Gonorhea Close Account name:erkos Last seen: 18 August 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  23. event #79 Kind of event: LMS SAWED OFF Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @hessan210 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  24. RP 10 Date: 2022-03-23 Participants: @qiezz @lekss @Skinner @Fall-en @NoFear Other Participants: @Lerov99 @ ue|ballas Story: This afternoon, together with Los escondidos, we thought about escorts and decided to hire some prostitutes. I called my old comrade Ballas and arranged for us to find some girls. [s=][/s] By talking to Ballas, he could help us, but we had to come to his base. We discussed the idea with Leks [s=][/s] and went to the ue base... [s=][/s] Ballas was already waiting for us... [s=][/s] He's invited us inside the courtyard [s=][/s] After stopping at the base, we decided to talk outside about his offer. [s=][/s] He only had one girl, but she was a VIP. We went inside to get the girl... [s=][/s] After picking up the girl, we shook hands[s=][/s] and went outside. [s=][/s] After saying goodbye to Ballas, we went to a strip club in Los Santos.. [s=][/s] When we arrived at the club, the owner was already waiting for us. He asked us to go inside... [s=][/s] With the owner of the club, we agreed on a revenue of 35% of the prostitute's earnings... [s=][/s] Now the girl is working with us... [s=][/s]
  25. Activity: SR Date: 2022-03-23 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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