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Everything posted by ottoy

  1. ~[Date:06/07/2021 Store Robbery- 1]~(maroon) ~[Store Robbery- 2]~(maroon) ~[Store Robbery- 3]~(maroon) ~[VIP- 1]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge: ]~(maroon) :::
  2. ~[Date:26/06/2021 Assisting in Cripz br LS]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge:]~(maroon) :::
  3. ~[Date:24/06/2021 Store Robbery- 1]~(maroon) ~[Store Robbery- 2]~(maroon) ~[Store Robbery- 3]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge: ]~(maroon) :::
  4. ~[DJ: Ottoy Broadcasted on: 22/06/2021 Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange) ::: :::
  5. ~[DJ: Ottoy Broadcasted on: 21/06/2021 Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange) ::: :::
  6. ~[DJ: Ottoy Broadcasted on: 20/06/2021 Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange,orange,orange,yellow,orange,yellow,orange) ::: :::
  7. ~[Event Type:]~(black) ~[GO KART RACE FROM TMH BASE TO LVX]~(green) ~[LWS/G6]~(black): ~[@Judyes]~(lime) ~[Date:]~(black) ~[08/06/2021]~(cyan) ~[Prize:]~(black) ~[1 Million]~(lime) ~[Winner(s):]~(black) ~[@Silveer]~(teal) ~[ScreenShot(s):]~(black) ::: ~[IMGUR ALBUM LINK]~(green) :::
  8. Date and time: 08/06/2021 20:00-20:20 Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-12 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): ::: ~[Images link]~(green) :::
  9. Date and time: 05/06/2021 18:47-19:50 Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 1 hour Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-15 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  10. -TMH Racers Take On : Raceflag Type: 17 checkpoints Participants: me , @Colobria Location: San Feirro Airport Winner & Prize: 1st- Me 2nd- @Colobria 3rd- @Acez Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. -TMH Racers Take On : Raceflag Type: 21 checkpoints Participants: me , @Colobria Location: San Feirro Winner & Prize: 1st- Me 2nd- @acez 3rd- @Pirana Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @Brophy confirm pls
  13. ~[Hang-Around Number: 3 TMH Members Involved: @Villain Duration of Hang: 1 hour + Screenshots:]~(green) ::: ~[Hangout ScreenShots]~(green,cyan,lime,green,cyan,lime) :::
  14. @cappo +1 great idea
  15. @afufu said in [SUGGESTION]BR lssue: It may look like cops are active, but in reality, many of them come in game to AFK at their bases. ~[Out of 13 cops ingame, i have seen at least 5-6 responding.]~(red) MY MAN REALLY ? if you notice the second pic is cropped and there are other squad member blips on the map.:buffkys:
  16. ~[Hang-Around Number: 2 TMH Members Involved: @Proton Duration of Hang: 35 min Screenshots:]~(green) ::: ~[Hangout ScreenShots]~(green,cyan,lime,green,cyan,lime) :::
  17. ~[Hang-Around Number: 1 TMH Members Involved: @Villain Duration of Hang: 20 min Screenshots:]~(green) ::: :::
  18. Address: Shafted Alliance corp Account name: slaine97 Last seen: 29 april 2021 Screenshots:
  19. TXN ID: N/A Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: 1m ingame cash , invite to donation group on forums and role in discord server ottoy#6974 Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Black #000000 color code Specify any upgrades: v8 awd and "import" named wheel style 10x pack nitro , stereo Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames): Ottoy (i will add in future using /dvm.) @Brophy sorted by @Stalin Where you want it placed: infront my Property in LV "Shafted Appliances Corp" For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  20. ~[Date:27/05/2021 Store Robbery- 1]~(maroon) ~[Store Robbery- 2]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge: ]~(maroon) :::
  21. Rip ser law link text
  22. speaks for itself...
  23. ~[Date: 11/05/2021]~(maroon) ~[SR-1]~(maroon) ~[SR-2]~(maroon) ~[SR-3]~(maroon) ~[SR-4]~(maroon) ~[VIP-1]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge: ]~(maroon) :::
  24. ~[Date: 11/05/2021]~(maroon) ~[SR-1]~(maroon) ~[SR-2]~(maroon) ~[SR-3]~(maroon) ::: ~[:cooldoge:Nothing Personal Just Business:cooldoge: ]~(maroon) :::
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