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Everything posted by Uyncis

  1. accomplished homo sapiens gaylord of the II.Tudor family and their royal navy.Sperm of the II.William the bastard Duke and his son's shit in the scottish toilet of the ayrshire.His father is raped in the streets of the cornwall and now he is a prostitute in the tunisia under the french invasion knows how to blowjob best and loves how to be Gaylord.He got A+ from sex lessons and now he's father is trying to fuck he's grandmother and all after peoples also know him as GREAT GAY OF THE TUNIS.He got big anus with unshaved clay's on his anus.And now he is sucking my Big unshaved BALLS in the sousse.This feels real fucking good and i have to lick your feets until i cum on your fucking eyes and all after it,Im gonna Crush your ass with my 46.3 santimeter big penis of the holy jesus banging christ.And mary will fuck him in the mosque so bad until he cums on the floor.Joseph will fuck him infront of the god and now he is being in love with admins to be an gaylord @scooter also i will suck your fucking anus until its all eaten by me.Made,by me.Fucked,by me.and.......Punished.By the SATAN @Zei ^^
  2. Roleplay Number:77 Story:I was resting my head in our base and smoking my weed some minutes later I heared a police siren I checked the sound where is coming from and I saw the police car was coming driectly to base I come closer to welcome the police officer he told he wanna talk about some murder he asked me a lot of questions about pirus as I could I didn't answered any questions about our gang but I lied a lot I think I didn't lied before in my life like this anyways he told me "we wented to the place which murder happended and we maked query with other people who lives in there and a lot people blammed your gang we come to check and query... and as I see u are the only one who is here so I gotta take u to SAFP base to make your query" I got no other options so I gotta accept we went to the SAFP base and we start to query about 3 hours later I was tired and clock came to the midnight police officer decided to make research about me and until that time I gotta wait in jail I was camed here before and take my new ID from city hall,I was clean about that I was don't have story and that maked me out from there if I was use a ID probly I was in jail Participants:SAFP|Raf|CDT @Raf0 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  3. Activity Number:70 Activity Type:Members Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  4. Event Number:52 Event Type:Chicken Shooter Event Price:1,000000 LWS & G6:C|Filex Event Winner:YakuzA>LaZaR Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  5. @DeepK gl hooper :3
  6. Event Number:51 Event Type:Hunter Shooter Event Price:1,00000 LWS & G6:[Thc]KARIM @KARIM Event Winner:176|Reus Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  7. Event Number:48 Event Type:Fallout Game Event Price:1.000000 LWS & G6:[Thc]KARIM @KARIM Event Winner:Link Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  8. Roleplay Number:71 Story:I was drivng my NRG to base while I am passing LS-LV highway I saw a police car which is making pull over,I pull overed my NRG and we started talking,he told me they are searching a crim gang which is making drug trade in San andreas,I answered have no idea,he didn't undertand I am an Pirus member he take me in a suggestion to base but first he checked me to make sure am I clean or not I was lucky on that moment I didn't bring my guns with me so he bringed me to SAFP base to make suggestion he was asking all of questions about have I any idea about The Pirus gang I didn't answered anyting about our gang he didn't get any answer becuase of that he decided to me jail and make some resarch about me I was not using ID since I joined to Pirus,after 24 hours later they decided to get me out SAFP police warned about to make new ID to my self and I leaved Participants:SAFP|Achelous|CDT Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  9. Roleplay Number:68 Story:there was a gun shipment has planned before which is going to be happen today gang members smoked their last cigarettes and depart the base to make gun shipment but how ever somone report this to Police,and police was following Pirus members until that time secretly,they started to following the conwoy until they arrive to gun shipment which is going to be happen on old Pirus base police was planing to catch them while on the busniess,members load the all of the weapons on the trunk and they saw the police car,and started escaping fastest as they can while on that moment one of the pirus members is shooting the police car after they decided to stop and fight head to head after some conflict Pirus members managed to beat polices and suceffly bring the guns back to base Participants:@Raf0 ,TahsinBey,@azizbhk123 ,Pirus|misti-gun Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  10. Event Number:45 Event Type:Rhino Shooter Event Price:1,000000 LWS & G6:O|Jim Event Winner:[TT]NubBob Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  11. ~[In-game Name: -]~(red)Uyncis ~[Real Name: -]~(red)Berat ~[Age: -]~(red)16 ~[Country of Residence: -]~(red)Turkey ~[What made you applying for The Pirus?: -]~(red)well I was actually searching for a gang for a long time I tried many times but I couldn't manage it,and I asked to my self is there any gang which is suitable for me? in my opinion Pirus is the right gang ~[What is the main role of The Pirus?: -]~(red)main role of The Pirus is arms smuggling,shipmenting guns and drug business ~[Let us know a bit about you: -]~(red)My name is Berat ,I've borned at 30 october 2004 I am half Georgian and half Turkish .I am 16 years old and I usually play video games in my life. my SAES career Is started at 8 june 2018 I spent my most of time at cop life but that doesn't means I don't have skills in crim life ~[Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone ?: -]~(red)yep I have access both of them ~[Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?: -]~(red)welp actually I can't say my english is the best but I am good at rp'ing and I m an active member of SAES you can see me very often
  12. Ingame name:Uyncis Username:berat4804 Country of Residence and Nationality:Turkey Spoken Languages:Georgian-Turkish-English Age:16 Date of the beginning of your SAES career:8 june 2018 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:SAFP-ICE ::: well I got 3 warns so SAFP HQ's decided to kick me. I leaved ICE because I am bored from cop life ::: Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words:my name is berat I joined SAES 1 year ago, after some research I decided to join SAFP,towards to end I had some problems with SAFP HQ and I got 3 warns so SAFP HQ's decided to kick me,after some months I joined to ICE,but later I realized that I didn't enjoy the game as a cop then I changed my mind,and decided to leave ICE and start to search for a gang which I can call a home,well that was my game history in my real life I am borned in Batumi(Georgia) at 30 october 2004 I play games generally in my life like EU4,TF2,CS:GO,speacially minecraft :3 well actually there's not a noteworthly things on my life :3
  13. In-game nickname:Uyncis In-game username:berat4804 Your real name:Berat Age:15 YO Nationality:Turkey-Georgia Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:nope. Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?:no one did What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?:I can serve the Outfit with making Events/Roleplays and posting these things in media archive. I am respectfull to other members. plus can help my friends on difficult moments Additional information about yourself:Hi my name is berat I am from Turkey but I lived in georgia for two years but half of my family was living in turkey so we decided to move Turkey that's my life story.I like playing games on PC (hate console gamers :C) Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):I Started to play on SAES like 1 year ago.I had 200 Hours ingame.Thanks to a friend which teached me the game about rules. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):SAFP/ICE Why have you left the above?: SAFP:I get 3 warns so I kicked from SAFP ICE: Bored from cop life so I decided to leave What server groups are you currently a part of?:I am not part of any groups Previous server bans and reasons (include links):never banned before
  14. Personal Information - Name: Berat Nickname: Iskender Age: 15 Gender: Male Nationality: Turkey(Kebab) Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name is Berat I am 15 years old am Georgian(country)(not american)when I was 2 years old we moved to Turkey I grove up in Turkey and when I was 6 years old my dad buyed my first computer then I started to playin GTA/MTA and bum! I am here now. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 8 Months Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?: No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: I was in the SAFP (but I get 2 warns from SAFP after that day they kicked me) Please list your current group memberships on the server: I don't joined any group yet What are your strengths?: Driving,arresting What are your weaknesses?: Using plane/helicopter Do you have discord & TS3?: I have only Discord Whats your average ping?: 70-100 Do you have access to the PC spawns?: No How many hours do you have in-game?: 110 Hours How often do you visit the forums?: 8-9 times in day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 7 Arresting (out of 10): 8 English (out of 10): 7 Driving (out of 10): 8 Combat (out of 10): 7 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?: I wanna Improve my skills get a new good friends and a squad where I can stay for a long time and I think this squad is right for me Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?: Yes my best friend Deepk recommended to join STF Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?: Yes I am always trying to be obey the rules In your own words, define roleplay: acting like real life In your own words, define DM: killing another player for no reason In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is a work done with more than one person
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