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Everything posted by Uyncis

  1. Type:Fallout LWS/G6: @AntiRug Prize: 1 m Winner: UE|Brother Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Type:PUBG LWS/G6 @KARIM Prize:1m Winner: @sila Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Main characters: @UnKn0wN_ chris Story: l was patroling around LV and l seen a car which is going so fast on LV highway l opened my sirens and started chasing the subject and announced with megaphone to pull over after subject pull overed l was shocked beacuse the driver of the car was just a teenager l checked their D's but they did not have a license l was %100 sure the car was stolen,l checked the car's trunk and found 15 kg of cocaine one of them was drug adict so it was explaning everything after l've found the drugs they started blaming each other,after l chill them out l report the car's plate number to police center after couple of minutes the owner of car camed and taked his car back he didn't complain from mike and chris after that l've take them to the SAFP base and started their query, Mike( @UnKn0wN_ ) is a homeless teenager which has problem with his family he told me he stole the car for money because he doesn't have a building which he can call a home so he stole the car so he can buy a new house or can rent a house,I manage to get information about his family l speaked with them but family didn't want mike back to home so we gived him to orphanage,about Chris he is 15 old young boy he started using drugs when he was a child l couldn't manage to get information about his family but l manage to convince him to quit drug he is getting treatment in hospital and trying to quit drugs Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Deepk is gay
  5. Rest in nuts
  6. Event Number:81 Event Price:1,000000 LWS & G6: @KARIM Syc0 Event Winner: [TST]Beast[CPT] Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  7. Dear @Orpheus You succesfully Pass the Tests Welcome To Prus fammily you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)
  8. Activity Number:130 Activity Type:Member Check Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  9. Activity Number:128 Activity Type:Patroling Around LS ScreenShot(s) ::: :::
  10. Dear @Hassantt you successfully passed the test u was already EX Pirus welcome back you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)
  11. Activity Number121 Activity Type: JB ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  12. Event Number:77 Event Type:Rhino Shooter Event Price:1,000000 LWS & G6: @KARIM Event Winner: SoyOfJoy Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  13. deleted..
  14. ~[Street Wars:]~(red)#10 ~[Street War Type:]~(red)Patroling around Vec Street ~[ScreenShot(s)]~(red) ::: :::
  15. Roleplay Number:102 Story:the last time our fight with Vec our gun stock decreased and we had close that opening Vec members was hanging around like rat so we had to check every road we gonna use because of we lost to much members last war we can't afford that again ,it tooked our 30 minuntes after arrived to storage we started to loading the guns into back of cars we check the roads which we gonna pass again and puted the guns into our base succesfully Participants: @Jaster @XxNetroxX @Thorinn Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  16. Best of luck guys <3 <3
  17. Activity Number:115 Activity Type:Pirus Night Activity Check ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  18. Roleplay Number:99 Story:we heard a gang which founded called BloodZ new it was growing up fast we maked some resaerch about it and we decided to talk with their leaders we meet at the ls rebel bar well first of all we asked our enemies our enemies was almost same and we very liked them after we had a dinner and some beer we talk about more and we decided to sign a Allince LONG LVE PRUS&LONG LVE BLOODZ Participants: @Makaveli @FastYounq @Jaster @Roarke @Sneik ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  19. Activity Number:114 Activity TypeTAB Activity Check Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  20. Dear @SpeeD1Tn you are ~[Denied]~(red) and ~[Blacklisted]~(black) for Two Months reason:requesting HQ's to reply your apply
  21. Activity Number:112 Type Of ActivityPirus Night Activity's ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  22. Dear @PaBLo ,You succesfully pass your tests you are ~[accepted]~(lime) to Pirus,Welcome to Pirus family
  23. Happy birthday Ronseal Hava a nice one <3
  24. Dear @dhiamlaih You successfully pass your Test You Are ~[Accepted]~(lime) To Pirus Family
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