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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I support this idea!
  2. Congratulations guys! :)
  3. Part 1 - In-Game Information Nickname: Riley Username : rendor123 Age: 17 Gender: Male What groups are you a member of?: TMH, ProCop, SAA Have you ever warned/jailed? If yes, why?: I've been jailed for DM when I was a newbie on the server. Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: No, I haven't. How would you rate your english from 1-10? (1 being the worst, 10 being best): 10/7 Part 2 - Roleplay Why are you interested in joining our group?: I think, every group got a unique role and every group got other types of RP situations. I think, I would be interested in this kind of situations. Do you agree to follow all of the rules (Both the Server and Group rules)?: Yes, I do. Describe yourself (Minimum of 10 words): So. I'm Bence. I'm 17 years old, and I live in Subotica. It's a bigger city in Serbia. I'm interested in foreign languages and in history. I spend most of my time with my friends, but I got time for other stuff to do. For example, I'm learning the programming. I play the MTA for 3 years now, but I went inactive a couple times. Why should we pick you over anyone else?: I think my activity is pretty good. I'm also good at RP-ing, since I'm creative. I call myself a loyal guy with the ability to understand the humour and the jokes. I'm trying to ignore the trolls and people with worse manners.
  4. Ohoho, Monsieur Scorpyo got his biggest day!!! Happy birthday you Mechanic fag' ! :D
  5. -=(blue,red,red)PART 1:=- In-Game name: Riley Username: rendor123 Nationalty: Hungarian Gender: Male Age: 17 -=(blue,red)PART 2:=- Why do you want to join SSA: I wanna join the SSA, becouse I think this group got a unique role with big chances. I think, I would like this kind of RP situations. Why we should accept you: My activity, english and RolePlaying knowledge are definitely good. I would be active in the group, and I would help the group in anything I could.
  6. Happy birthday! :)
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