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Everything posted by Riley

  1. again this one.. khmm. he is like Freddy Kruger. He can fuck up your dreams
  2. Creates his own opinion of a person based on others's comments
  3. The guy who tries to make the FBI be a famous squad
  4. A guy who turned his career from the negative to a great way
  5. You are the one on the right @Marko ?
  6. I totally agree with @NotNico . Without an exact amount of cars allowed for this, the popular places such as LVX and Hospitals could get easily crowded just because everyone 'needs' to sell his own car.
  7. Guy who knows what he's speaking about
  8. Creator of the useless and stupid suggestions
  9. @ElRastaMan17 said in Spawn time calculator: As nicus said above, it would just cause a massive afk to the server, not to talk about how useless that information is I kindly stated above that this information has no benefits, or at least I couldn't find one. It's simply a cool thing to show how active you are, and where did you spend most of your time. About the AFK, who cares about the AFK players? They won't hurt you. As DROT said, we already have got players who boost their played hours by being AFK for days.
  10. We have already got useless spawns such as the whole "Russian mob" family and their workers. The quality of a player can be easily noticed even while the person is spawned as Drug Dealer. This is like the State Trooper spawn at the Police side, there's no difference between the Trainee and the State Troopers.
  11. @nicus AFKing day by day is not an unknown thing already ( khmm khmm tape ). They do it to get hours, and I guess this system's effect could only "help" them to decide which spawn should they pick for the journey. Also what kind of troubles can this cause to the GM team? If you can list them, maybe we could do something.
  12. @buddler said in Spawn time calculator: great idea, but we could also add a list of every spawn to /stats Yes, that was the basic idea. After I was thinking about a better looking version for it, and I got this one above. If we could have both, that would be wonderful.
  13. Patrol #710 Personal Patrol #5 Participants: / Duration : 20-25 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xD5g4wq
  14. First of all I'd like to tell you that I'm not a scripter so I can't help the development team with the technical part. So our time spent on the server ( aka played time ) is already calculated. I was thinking about if we could have an icon where our played hours would be divided into the spawns we used. After some time, I realised that the time divided into "ALL" spawns you ever used can't be done because then we would get a badass long list. For this case I'd recommend to do the same idea but instead we could have a place where the TOP 8 most used spawns and the playtime could be seen. I was thinking about adding another icon to the "M" panel. After clicking on the icon, it would open a page like at the other ones. ( F.e.x : Music, Message, Clock ) The difference would be only the content of the page. We could have something like this: This idea's function is only an extra thing to have, and I can't see if it has got benefits or not. If it's possible, we could add already deleted spawns such as deleted squads, gangs, groups.
  15. Patrol #707 Personal Patrol #4 Participants: / Duration : 30-35 minutes Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/N8ZnLCg :::
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