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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Archiving this one as it's been 14 days. Create a new topic if you haven't sold it yet. Locked.
  2. Sorted. 2nd request this week, please wait for Monday 00.00 server time before another request.
  3. @alex0107 said in House Removals: Account name: alex0107 Icon name: 2 Shemales Way ( San Fierro ) and Printer Ink Cartridges & Reffils Store ( Las Venturas ) Done.
  4. @DBMoodyBlues Short but a good application, our members like to see you around us and you have a couple of real life friends in our gang. You looked a bit of a new player but the fact that your punishment record was clean and the determination you've shown makes us think you'll be a fitting & good loyal member to us, therefore I'd like to welcome you in! @Laza Good application, always pleasure to see an experienced player applying for us. I understand that you've had your doubts but that's because you've almost been a cop for your entire career, what a pity that you haven't tried the criminal side until now, yet it's great that you've a lot to discover! Let's see how you will do around our members ingame. @Rondaw Sorry but not what we're looking for right now, you can keep hanging around our members and submit another application if you're determined enough, when you feel like you're ready, but please keep in mind that making it too soon won't change anything. ~Regards
  5. Recruitment time is postponed to 19:00
  6. ^[] Hello folks! You might have noticed the recent changes in Centrino, we've cleared our roster of inactive members, and now we're looking to hire some new fresh blood in our group. The live recruitment will include a main RP test, and a few additional classified tests which you will hear about when the recruitment comes. Ingame instructions will be given. Recruitment Date: 18th May 2019, Saturday 19:00 server time. (https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/uk/london) Recruitment Requirements: You will be required to come as 'Civilian --> Taxi Driver' If you're unsure about the timezone, you can just google 'London Time' and compare it with yours. Anyone arriving later than 19:00 London Time will not be allowed to join the live recruitment. Got a question? Feel free to ask here!
  7. Happy birthday nub! Meeting him this Thursday, any of you want me to deliver him a gift ? ;)
  8. Sorted. 2nd request this week so you'll have to wait until next Monday for another request sir!
  9. @Siirtuga said in [For Sale] house in lvx with Car spawn: Sold can be locked :) Locked.
  10. @Radio_ said in House Removals: Account name: radiodude Icon name: Apartment _22_lv_complexsouth Done
  11. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up for public sale.
  12. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up for public sale.
  13. Please read the following 3 topics carefully before requesting a house. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/374/requesting-inactive-properties https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  14. The last bid was made more than 7 days ago, archived. You can create a new topic anytime.
  15. The last bid was made more than 7 days ago, therefore this one is archived. Feel free to create a new topic anytime.
  16. No bids for 7 days, archived. You can create a new topic again anytime.
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