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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Yes, previous donators can also receive the status of 'Donator' on new forums too. Please try sending a join request and then get someone to approve it (You can check who has access to it by viewing the donator forum group, the ones with a star next to their nicknames can confirm it)
  2. @Ramby said in Server Update v1.5.1: Too bad I still have the problem where the load of your truck gets stuck on certain points "trucker bug". The updates are nice tho. Downgrading your GTA:SA to 1.0 fixes this bug as far as I know.
  3. Dont fuck it up this time, enjoy your stay ;)
  4. SAES Clan Member ( @Hesha get your ass online n00b) Denied.
  5. To be honest, that's what happens if you add strangers on steam, never accept friend requests from people you don't know, or haven't played a game with.
  6. The owner is a SAES Clan Member. Request denied.
  7. @toteking233 said in RC-OLD MMC INACTIVE: saes member mate ^ denied
  8. Happy birthday king https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvKbwJY7Myw
  9. Already requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9367/ls-inactive-house Denied.
  10. Already requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9366/inactive-house-ls Denied.
  11. Denied. Already requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9319/inactive-bc
  12. Gengar & I made a deal ingame and this property has been bought by myself for 120m. Archived.
  13. No bids for more than 7 days, archived. You can create another topic anytime.
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