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Everything posted by Terry

  1. It has come to my attention that we don't really have a decent 2-door police car. We do have the police turismo which is available for donators with a wrap, but to be honest, it's really not the best vehicle to go after criminals and pursue them because its handling is awful, therefore I'm suggesting to add a new police car mod (basically sirens) with 2 seats, which is Cheetah. You probably all know when you get wanted for 6 stars in Vice City/San Andreas, some high profiled agents show up in a black police cheetah with sirens on, so it's a good choice, why not? I mean cops can already use the normal cheetah while patrolling, but wouldn't it be even more cool and RP-ish to be able to put sirens to it? It could be available to get as a donation reward or even as a squad reward, and the vehicle's acceleration, top speed and handling would be just the same as any other cheetah with v8 + awd, so criminals can't complain and it's equal for both sides.
  2. You are allowed to request only 2 houses per week. Request denied.
  3. steamcommunity.com/id/terrybast Terry#1531 I have no idea what my ingame ID is, but I'll edit my post after I check it ingame.
  4. Already been requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12400/inactive-bc Request denied.
  5. Make sure it's not running in background somehow, try to see if there's any GTASA in the task manager, if so, close it and retry.
  6. This property belongs to SAES>Sam-B Request denied.
  7. Owned by SAES>Sam-B. Request denied.
  8. Owned by SAES>Sam-B. Request denied.
  9. Wrong accountname. The property owner is 'zekeriya132' and was last seen on 2019-09-22. Request denied.
  10. Make a new topic using the proper format and actually a working imgur link.
  11. Requested a minute earlier. Request denied.
  12. Hope you both manage to lose somehow :heart:
  13. This property belongs to a SAES Clan Member. (Rennie) Request denied.
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